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Output of an analysis

Chequer play analysis

Cube decision analysis

Game, match, or session statistics

You can get a summary of the analysis from the game, match, or session analysis. The game analysis is a summary for the current game whereas the match or session statistics is a summary of all the games in the match or session. The match analysis is available in the GUI from Analysis->Match Statistics or at the botton of exported files.

Chequer play statistics

This section provides a summary of the chequer play statistics. The following information is available

Luck analysis

This section provides information about how Ms. Fortuna distributed her luck. The following information is available:

Thresholds for marking of rolls:

Deviation of equity from average Roll is marked
>0.6 very lucky
0.3 - 0.6 lucky
-0.3 - 0.3 unmarked
-0.6 - -0.3 unlucky
< -0.6 very unlucky

Luck ratings:

Normalised luck rate per move Luck rating
> 0.10 Cheater :-)
0.06 - 0.10 Go to Las Vegas immediately
0.02 - 0.06 Good dice, man!
-0.02 - 0.02 none
-0.06 - -0.02 Better luck next time
-0.06 - -0.10 Go to bed
< -0.10 Haaa-haaa

Cube statistics

This section provides a summary of the cube decision statistics: the number of cube decisions, missed doubles, etc.

Overall rating

The last section is the overall summary.

Threshold for ratings:

Normalised total error rate per move Rating
0.000 - 0.002 Supernatural
0.002 - 0.005 World Class
0.005 - 0.008 Expert
0.008 - 0.012 Advanced
0.012 - 0.018 Intermediate
0.018 - 0.026 Casual Player
0.026 - 0.035 Beginner
> 0.035 Awful!