Suggest `M-\' feature for addition and related input issue. I would like to suggest another feature for addition, the `M-\'. You may probably know that there are possibly more that one hundred input methods in Chinese, categoried into two paradigms: 1. Input by pronounciation: Since most Chinese can ``correctly'' pronounce their language through elementary education, therefore even most unusually used words they haven't seen before, they could guess how the words are pronounced and input them in most cases. BUT this kind of input methods is much slower since there are too many words with the same pronounciation. (for example, `chinese-zozy') 2. Input by `spelling customized radicals' of a word: This kind is a much faster way to input, since every word has its own shape. You could almost input a Chinese word without choose it from the conflict list. (for example, `chinese-array30' that I'm using) Now here is the idea: 1. Most of the time `spelling' is a good way to input since it is fast, then we make `array30' for example as the ``primary'' input method. 2. Sometimes `spelling' is invalid since it's not a part of elementary education, then we use `zozy' for example, as a thorough but slower way to input, as ``secondary'' input method. 3. So I put the following lines into `.emacs' to set `array30' as my default input method: (custom-set-variables ' (default-input-method "chinese-array30")) Now I can toggle input method between `English' and `array30' by `C-\'. 4. However, when I cannot spell a word by `array30', I must change input method by C-x RET C-\ and type `chinese-zozy' for this purpose, and change it back will be another similar procedure, although this time I do not need to type again since Emacs has set it as a default choice. This means that toggling between Chinese input methods has no easy way to do, `C-x RET C-\' is always required. So I suggest `M-\' to complement this idea. That is: Toggling between English and Chinese (or others) input methods by `C-\'; toggling among user-specified (Chinese) input methods by `M-\'. And the lines in `.emacs' might be: (pseudo code) (custom-set-variables '(default-input-method "chinese-array30")) (custom-set-variables '(alternate-input-method "chinese-zozy")) (custom-set-variables '(alternate-input-methos "chinese-4corner")) Noted that alternate-input-method could be plural, and together with default-input-method comprise the whole user-specified input methods. Using `M-\' would change among user-specified input methods in a rotary fashion, `C-\' would change input method to `English' and another `C-\' would change input method back to formerly used user-specified input method, whether it's default or alternate. And here is a BUG-report and suggesion related to mule input: While inputing a word with three customized radicals via mule, these three radicals will appear one by one at the left of minibuffer when I keyin. But after typing SPACE, that makes a word being inputted, the radicals are gone, leaving the minibuffer a blank: 1. The BUG is: if there are two windows in Emacs with different input methods, and if I'm inputing words in the above one, the minibuffer shows `radicals' of the input method that the below one is using. To correct this problem, you may need to set the showing of radicals to go accord with the active window, i.e. the window that is now being editing. 2. Leaving a blank after a word is being inputted is a waste, I would like to suggest that after a word is being inputted, minibuffer would show the `radicals' of `primary' (i.e. the default-input-method) of that word. With this feature, I could read the information of how to spell a word in `array30' (my primary input method) while using `zozy' or other input methods, and this is the difference between default-input-method and alternate-input-method. I guess this feature is also useful in other languages... Sorry that I don't provide the information in a concise way, but hopefully this would convince you that the suggested features are Emacs should-have ones. And do you have any information on how to prepare an input method in Emacs? I would like to draw more people to port their favorate input methods into Emacs, and I'm also interested in porting array30 for simplified Chinese and Japanese if possible.