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8.4 Invoking gnutls-serv

Simple server program that listens to incoming TLS connections.

GNU TLS test server
Usage: gnutls-serv [options]

     -d, --debug integer      Enable debugging
     -g, --generate           Generate Diffie Hellman Parameters.
     -p, --port integer       The port to connect to.
     -q, --quiet              Suppress some messages.
     --nodb                   Does not use the resume database.
     --http                   Act as an HTTP Server.
     --echo                   Act as an Echo Server.
     --dhparams FILE          DH params file to use.
     --x509fmtder             Use DER format for certificates
     --x509cafile FILE        Certificate file to use.
     --x509crlfile FILE       CRL file to use.
     --pgpkeyring FILE        PGP Key ring file to use.
     --pgptrustdb FILE        PGP trustdb file to use.
     --pgpkeyfile FILE        PGP Key file to use.
     --pgpcertfile FILE       PGP Public Key (certificate) file to
     --x509keyfile FILE       X.509 key file to use.
     --x509certfile FILE      X.509 Certificate file to use.
     --x509dsakeyfile FILE    Alternative X.509 key file to use.
     --x509dsacertfile FILE   Alternative X.509 certificate file to
     --srppasswd FILE         SRP password file to use.
     --srppasswdconf FILE     SRP password conf file to use.
     --ciphers cipher1 cipher2...
                              Ciphers to enable.
     --protocols protocol1 protocol2...
                              Protocols to enable.
     --comp comp1 comp2...    Compression methods to enable.
     --macs mac1 mac2...      MACs to enable.
     --kx kx1 kx2...          Key exchange methods to enable.
     --ctypes certType1 certType2...
                              Certificate types to enable.
     -l, --list               Print a list of the supported
                              algorithms  and modes.
     -h, --help               prints this help
     -v, --version            prints the program's version number
     --copyright              prints the program's license