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Processing Sequence

This is the processing sequence including command line arguments, built in equates, text bodies, and the actual database file. Some of the terms may not be familiar yet but are explained further in later sections. Not all events are listed below, just the more important ones.

  1. Initialise built in equates to void
  2. Initialise built in system variables
  3. Parse command line arguments
  4. Parse .grg file
  5. Parse command line arguments (second time)
  6. Update environment variables and system variables
  7. Execute eq_init equate
  8. Load database files
  9. Open output file
  10. Set _eq_totrec to size of master database file
  11. Sort records in master database file
  12. Execute eq_pre_header
  13. Process HEADER text body
  14. Execute eq_post_header
  15. For each record in sorted/filtered master database
    1. Set _eq_currec
    2. If this is page 1
      1. Execute eq_pre_page01
      2. Process PAGE01 text body
      3. Execute eq_post_page01
    3. If this is page N
      1. Execute eq_pre_pagenn
      2. Process PAGENN text body
      3. Execute eq_post_pagenn
    4. If this is a valid banner point
      1. Set _eq_banner_val
      2. Set _eq_banner_nest
      3. Execute eq_pre_banner
      4. Process BANNER text body
      5. Execute eq_post_banner
    5. Execute eq_pre_record
    6. Process RECORD text body
    7. Execute eq_post_record
  16. Execute eq_pre_footer
  17. Process FOOTER text body
  18. Execute eq_post_footer
  19. Execute eq_exit equate
  20. Close output file

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