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7.16.1 Exponential Function

— Function: double gsl_sf_exp (double x)
— Function: int gsl_sf_exp_e (double x, gsl_sf_result * result)

These routines provide an exponential function \exp(x) using GSL semantics and error checking.

— Function: int gsl_sf_exp_e10_e (double x, gsl_sf_result_e10 * result)

This function computes the exponential \exp(x) using the gsl_sf_result_e10 type to return a result with extended range. This function may be useful if the value of \exp(x) would overflow the numeric range of double.

— Function: double gsl_sf_exp_mult (double x, double y)
— Function: int gsl_sf_exp_mult_e (double x, double y, gsl_sf_result * result)

These routines exponentiate x and multiply by the factor y to return the product y \exp(x).

— Function: int gsl_sf_exp_mult_e10_e (const double x, const double y, gsl_sf_result_e10 * result)

This function computes the product y \exp(x) using the gsl_sf_result_e10 type to return a result with extended numeric range.