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These routines compute the lowest-order normalized hydrogenic bound state radial wavefunction R_1 := 2Z \sqrt{Z} \exp(-Z r).
These routines compute the n-th normalized hydrogenic bound state radial wavefunction,
R_n := 2 (Z^{3/2}/n^2) \sqrt{(n-l-1)!/(n+l)!} \exp(-Z r/n) (2Zr/n)^l L^{2l+1}_{n-l-1}(2Zr/n).where L^a_b(x) is the generalized Laguerre polynomial (see Laguerre Functions). The normalization is chosen such that the wavefunction \psi is given by \psi(n,l,r) = R_n Y_{lm}.