Node:Internet Socket Server, Previous:Internet Socket Client, Up:Internet Socket Examples
The following example shows a simple Internet server which listens on
port 2904 for incoming connections and sends a greeting back to the
(let ((s (socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))) (setsockopt s SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1) ;; Specific address? ;; (bind s AF_INET (inet-aton "") 2904) (bind s AF_INET INADDR_ANY 2904) (listen s 5) (simple-format #t "Listening for clients in pid: ~S" (getpid)) (newline) (while #t (let* ((client-connection (accept s)) (client-details (cdr client-connection)) (client (car client-connection))) (simple-format #t "Got new client connection: ~S" client-details) (newline) (simple-format #t "Client address: ~S" (gethostbyaddr (sockaddr:addr client-details))) (newline) ;; Send back the greeting to the client port (display "Hello client\r\n" client) (close client))))