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— Scheme Procedure: primitive-make-property not-found-proc
— C Function: scm_primitive_make_property (not_found_proc)

Create a property token that can be used with primitive-property-ref and primitive-property-set!. See primitive-property-ref for the significance of not-found-proc.

— Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-ref prop obj
— C Function: scm_primitive_property_ref (prop, obj)

Return the property prop of obj.

When no value has yet been associated with prop and obj, the not-found-proc from prop is used. A call (not-found-proc prop obj) is made and the result set as the property value. If not-found-proc is #f then #f is the property value.

— Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-set! prop obj val
— C Function: scm_primitive_property_set_x (prop, obj, val)

Set the property prop of obj to val.

— Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-del! prop obj
— C Function: scm_primitive_property_del_x (prop, obj)

Remove any value associated with prop and obj.