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Access the elements and other information of a character set with these procedures.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set-size cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_size (cs)

Return the number of elements in character set cs.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set-count pred cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_count (pred, cs)

Return the number of the elements int the character set cs which satisfy the predicate pred.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set->list cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_to_list (cs)

Return a list containing the elements of the character set cs.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set->string cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_to_string (cs)

Return a string containing the elements of the character set cs. The order in which the characters are placed in the string is not defined.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set-contains? cs ch
— C Function: scm_char_set_contains_p (cs, ch)

Return #t iff the character ch is contained in the character set cs.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set-every pred cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_every (pred, cs)

Return a true value if every character in the character set cs satisfies the predicate pred.

— Scheme Procedure: char-set-any pred cs
— C Function: scm_char_set_any (pred, cs)

Return a true value if any character in the character set cs satisfies the predicate pred.