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6.10 Queues

The functions in this section are provided by

     (use-modules (ice-9 q))

This module implements queues holding arbitrary scheme objects and designed for efficient first-in / first-out operations.

make-q creates a queue, and objects are entered and removed with enq! and deq!. q-push! and q-pop! can be used too, treating the front of the queue like a stack.

— Scheme Procedure: make-q

Return a new queue.

— Scheme Procedure: q? obj

Return #t if obj is a queue, or #f if not.

Note that queues are not a distinct class of objects but are implemented with cons cells. For that reason certain list structures can get #t from q?.

— Scheme Procedure: enq! q obj

Add obj to the rear of q, and return q.

— Scheme Procedure: deq! q
— Scheme Procedure: q-pop! q

Remove and return the front element from q. If q is empty, a q-empty exception is thrown.

deq! and q-pop! are the same operation, the two names just let an application match enq! with deq!, or q-push! with q-pop!.

— Scheme Procedure: q-push! q obj

Add obj to the front of q, and return q.

— Scheme Procedure: q-length q

Return the number of elements in q.

— Scheme Procedure: q-empty? q

Return true if q is empty.

— Scheme Procedure: q-empty-check q

Throw a q-empty exception if q is empty.

— Scheme Procedure: q-front q

Return the first element of q (without removing it). If q is empty, a q-empty exception is thrown.

— Scheme Procedure: q-rear q

Return the last element of q (without removing it). If q is empty, a q-empty exception is thrown.

— Scheme Procedure: q-remove! q obj

Remove all occurences of obj from q, and return q. obj is compared to queue elements using eq?.

The q-empty exceptions described above are thrown just as (throw 'q-empty), there's no message etc like an error throw.

A queue is implemented as a cons cell, the car containing a list of queued elements, and the cdr being the last cell in that list (for ease of enqueuing).

     (list . last-cell)

If the queue is empty, list is the empty list and last-cell is #f.

An application can directly access the queue list if desired, for instance to search the elements or to insert at a specific point.

— Scheme Procedure: sync-q! q

Recompute the last-cell field in q.

All the operations above maintain last-cell as described, so normally there's no need for sync-q!. But if an application modifies the queue list then it must either maintain last-cell similarly, or call sync-q! to recompute it.