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The --recurse option instructs the utility to recursively expand the digest.
The --length option can be used to set the minimal encapsulation
boundary length for RFC 934 digests. Default length is 1,
i.e. encountering one dash immediately following a newline triggers
digest decoding. It is OK for messages that follow RFC 934
specification. However, many user agents do not precisely follow it,
in particular, they often do not escape lines starting with a dash by
‘- ’ sequence. Mailman is one of such agents. To cope
with such digests you can set encapsulation boundary length to a higher
value. For example, bounce --length=8 has been found to be
sufficient for most Mailman-generated digests.
contains more than one component name
it must be enclosed in double-quotes. Dangling equal sign is an error,
to set a string variable to the empty value assign it an empty string, e.g.:
(see the supplied mhl.format file).
Ineractive prompting is not yet implemented.
variable. Standard mhn in this case used to print ‘don't
know how to display content’ diagnostic.
The default behaviour is to pipe the content to the standard input
of the mhn-show-type[/subtype] command. This is altered to using a
temporary file if the command contains %f
or %F
header contains ‘filename=’,
and mhn is invoked with --auto switch, it
transforms the file name into the absolute notation and uses it only
if it lies below the current mhn-storage directory. Standard
mhn only requires that the file name do not begin with ‘/’.
Before saving a message part, GNU mhn checks if the file already exists. If so, it asks whether the user wishes to rewrite it. This behaviour is disabled when --quiet option was given.
Mailutils rmm does not delete any messages. Standard rmm in this case deletes all messages preceeding the non-existent one.
profile component is not used.
pick --component field --pattern string
New command line option --cflags allows to control the type of regular expressions used. The option must occur right before --pattern or --component option (or one of its aliases, like --cc, --from, etc.)
The argument to this option is a string of type specifications:
B | Use basic regular expressions
E | Use extended regular expressions
I | Ignore case
C | Case sensitive
Default is ‘EI’.
The flags remain in effect until the next occurrence of --cflags option.
Sample usage:
pick --cflag BC --subject '*a string'
The date comparison options (--before and --after accept date specifications in a wide variety of formats, e.g.:
pick --after 20030301 pick --after 2003-03-01 pick --after 01-mar-2003 pick --after 2003-mar-01 pick --before '1 year ago' etc...
Any number of --datefield, --textfield and --numfield options may be given, thus allowing to build sort criteria of arbitrary complexity.
The order of --.*field options sets the ordering priority. This differs from the behaviour of the standard sortm, which always orders datefield-major, textfield-minor.
Apart from sorting the mailfolder the following actions may be specified: