colperm: Returns the column permutations such that the columns of `S
(:, P)' are ordered in terms of increase number of non-zero
csymamd: For a symmetric positive definite matrix S, returns the
permutation vector p such that `S (P, P)' tends to have a
sparser Cholesky factor than S.
dmperm: Perfrom a Deulmage-Mendelsohn permutation on the sparse
matrix S.
etree: Returns the elimination tree for the matrix S.
etreeplot: Plots the elimination tree of the matrix s or
s+s' if s in non-symmetric.
full: returns a full storage matrix from a sparse one See also:
gplot: Plots a graph defined by A and xy in the graph
theory sense.
issparse: Return 1 if the value of the expression EXPR is a sparse
luinc: Produce the incomplete LU factorization of the sparse
matrix_type: Identify the matrix type or mark a matrix as a particular
nnz: returns number of non zero elements in SM See also: sparse
nonzeros: Returns a vector of the non-zero values of the sparse
matrix S
nzmax: Returns the amount of storage allocated to the sparse
matrix SM.
spalloc: Returns an empty sparse matrix of size R-by-C.
spstats: Return the stats for the non-zero elements of the sparse
matrix S COUNT is the number of non-zeros in each column,
MEAN is the mean of the non-zeros in each column, and VAR
is the variance of the non-zeros in each column
spsumsq: Sum of squares of elements along dimension DIM.
spy: Plot the sparsity pattern of the sparse matrix X
symamd: For a symmetric positive definite matrix S, returns the
permutation vector p such that `S (P, P)' tends to have a
sparser Cholesky factor than S.
symbfact: Performs a symbolic factorization analysis on the sparse
matrix S.
symrcm: Returns the Reverse Cuthill McKee reordering of the sparse
matrix S.