Making a donation to help support Octave development

To make a gift, print and complete the following form and mail it along with a check, made payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, to the following address:

     Octave Contributions
     c/o Dr. John W. Eaton
     Department of Chemical Engineering
     University of Wisconsin-Madison
     1415 Engineering Drive
     Madison WI 53706-1691

If you wish to use a credit card, print and complete the form, including your credit card information and signature, and mail it to the above address or send a copy by fax to (608) 265-6794.

I/we wish to support ongoing development of the Octave modelling language, under the supervision of Professor James B. Rawlings and Dr. John W. Eaton of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with my/our contribution of $________________.





Home phone__________________________________________________

E-mail address______________________________________________

__ Check here if this is a new address

__ Please charge my __ MasterCard __ Visa

Card Number __ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __

Cardholder name (please print)_______________________________________________

Expiration Date_____________________________

Cardholder signature:________________________________________________________

__ My company will match this gift (please attach company form).

__ You may add my name to the list of contributors on the Octave web site.

We thank you for your continued support.

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