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B.7.1 ASCII output options

File to which output should be sent. This can be an ordinary filename (e.g., "pspp.txt"), a pipe filename (e.g., "|lpr"), or stdout ("-"). Default: "pspp.list".
One of ascii or latin1. This has no effect on output at the present time. Default: ascii.
The string written to the output to cause a formfeed. See also paginate, described below, for a related setting. Default: "\f".
The string written to the output to cause a new-line (carriage return plus linefeed). The default, which can be specified explicitly with newline-string=default, is to use the system-dependent new-line sequence by opening the output file in text mode. This is usually the right choice.

However, newline-string can be set to any string. When this is done, the output file is opened in binary mode.

If set, a formfeed (as set in form-feed-string, described above) will be written to the device after every page. Default: on.
The distance between tab stops for this device. If set to 0, tabs will not be used in the output. Default: 8.
String written to the device before anything else, at the beginning of the output. Default: "" (the empty string).
String written to the device after everything else, at the end of the output. Default: "" (the empty string).