Previous: Date Construction, Up: Time & Date Functions that Examine Dates

These functions take numeric arguments in PSPP date or time format and give numeric results. These names are used for arguments:

A numeric value in PSPP date format.
A numeric value in PSPP time format.
A numeric value in PSPP time or date format.

— Function: XDATE.DATE (time-or-date)

For a time, results in the time corresponding to the number of whole days date-or-time includes. For a date, results in the date corresponding to the latest midnight at or before date-or-time; that is, gives the date that date-or-time is in.

— Function: XDATE.HOUR (time-or-date)

For a time, results in the number of whole hours beyond the number of whole days represented by date-or-time. For a date, results in the hour (as an integer between 0 and 23) corresponding to date-or-time.

— Function: XDATE.JDAY (date)

Results in the day of the year (as an integer between 1 and 366) corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.MDAY (date)

Results in the day of the month (as an integer between 1 and 31) corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.MINUTE (time-or-date)

Results in the number of minutes (as an integer between 0 and 59) after the last hour in time-or-date.

— Function: XDATE.MONTH (date)

Results in the month of the year (as an integer between 1 and 12) corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.QUARTER (date)

Results in the quarter of the year (as an integer between 1 and 4) corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.SECOND (time-or-date)

Results in the number of whole seconds after the last whole minute (as an integer between 0 and 59) in time-or-date.

— Function: XDATE.TDAY (date)

Results in the number of whole days from 14 Oct 1582 to date.

— Function: XDATE.TIME (date)

Results in the time of day at the instant corresponding to date, as a time value. This is the number of seconds since midnight on the day corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.WEEK (date)

Results in the week of the year (as an integer between 1 and 53) corresponding to date.

— Function: XDATE.WKDAY (date)

Results in the day of week (as an integer between 1 and 7) corresponding to date, where 1 represents Sunday.

— Function: XDATE.YEAR (date)

Returns the year (as an integer 1582 or greater) corresponding to date.