Previous: Continuous Distributions, Up: Statistical Distribution Functions Discrete Distributions

The following discrete distributions are available:

— Function: PDF.BERNOULLI (x)
— Function: CDF.BERNOULLI (x, p)
— Function: RV.BERNOULLI (p)

Bernoulli distribution with probability of success p. Constraints: x = 0 or 1, 0 <= p <= 1.

— Function: PDF.BINOMIAL (x, n, p)
— Function: CDF.BINOMIAL (x, n, p)
— Function: RV.BINOMIAL (n, p)

Binomial distribution with n trials and probability of success p. Constraints: integer n > 0, 0 <= p <= 1, integer x <= n.

— Function: PDF.GEOM (x, n, p)
— Function: CDF.GEOM (x, n, p)
— Function: RV.GEOM (n, p)

Geometric distribution with probability of success p. Constraints: 0 <= p <= 1, integer x > 0.

— Function: PDF.HYPER (x, a, b, c)
— Function: CDF.HYPER (x, a, b, c)
— Function: RV.HYPER (a, b, c)

Hypergeometric distribution when b objects out of a are drawn and c of the available objects are distinctive. Constraints: integer a > 0, integer b <= a, integer c <= a, integer x >= 0.

— Function: PDF.LOG (x, p)
— Function: RV.LOG (p)

Logarithmic distribution with probability parameter p. Constraints: 0 <= p < 1, x >= 1.

— Function: PDF.NEGBIN (x, n, p)
— Function: CDF.NEGBIN (x, n, p)
— Function: RV.NEGBIN (n, p)

Negative binomial distribution with number of successes paramter n and probability of success parameter p. Constraints: integer n >= 0, 0 < p <= 1, integer x >= 1.

— Function: PDF.POISSON (x, mu)
— Function: CDF.POISSON (x, mu)
— Function: RV.POISSON (mu)

Poisson distribution with mean mu. Constraints: mu > 0, integer x >= 0.