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     (These options are not currently implemented.)
     (Integer mode.)
             /VARIABLES=var_list (low,high)...

The FREQUENCIES procedure outputs frequency tables for specified variables. FREQUENCIES can also calculate and display descriptive statistics (including median and mode) and percentiles.

In the future, FREQUENCIES will also support graphical output in the form of bar charts and histograms. In addition, it will be able to support percentiles for grouped data.

The VARIABLES subcommand is the only required subcommand. Specify the variables to be analyzed. In most cases, this is all that is required. This is known as general mode.

Occasionally, one may want to invoke a special mode called integer mode. Normally, in general mode, PSPP will automatically determine what values occur in the data. In integer mode, the user specifies the range of values that the data assumes. To invoke this mode, specify a range of data values in parentheses, separated by a comma. Data values inside the range are truncated to the nearest integer, then assigned to that value. If values occur outside this range, they are discarded.

The FORMAT subcommand controls the output format. It has several possible settings:

The MISSING subcommand controls the handling of user-missing values. When EXCLUDE, the default, is set, user-missing values are not included in frequency tables or statistics. When INCLUDE is set, user-missing are included. System-missing values are never included in statistics, but are listed in frequency tables.

The available STATISTICS are the same as available in DESCRIPTIVES (see DESCRIPTIVES), with the addition of MEDIAN, the data's median value, and MODE, the mode. (If there are multiple modes, the smallest value is reported.) By default, the mean, standard deviation of the mean, minimum, and maximum are reported for each variable.

PERCENTILES causes the specified percentiles to be reported. The percentiles should be presented at a list of numbers between 0 and 100 inclusive. The NTILES subcommand causes the percentiles to be reported at the boundaries of the data set divided into the specified number of ranges. For instance, /NTILES=4 would cause quartiles to be reported.