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B.1 Locating configuration files

PSPP uses the same method to find most of its configuration files:

  1. The base name of the file being sought is determined.
  2. The path to search is determined.
  3. Each directory in the search path, from left to right, is searched for a file with the name of the base name. The first occurrence is read as the configuration file.

The first two steps are elaborated below for the sake of our pedantic friends.

  1. A base name is a file name lacking an absolute directory reference. Some examples of base names are: ps-encodings, devices, devps/DESC (under UNIX), devps\DESC (under M$ environments).

    Determining the base name is a two-step process:

    1. If the appropriate environment variable is defined, the value of that variable is used (see Environment variables). For instance, when searching for the output driver initialization file, the variable examined is STAT_OUTPUT_INIT_FILE.
    2. Otherwise, the compiled-in default is used. For example, when searching for the output driver initialization file, the default base name is devices.

    Please note: If a user-specified base name does contain an absolute directory reference, as in a file name like /home/pfaff/fonts/TR, no path is searched—the file name is used exactly as given—and the algorithm terminates.

  2. The path is the first of the following that is defined:

As a final note: Under DOS, directories given in paths are delimited by semicolons (;); under UNIX, directories are delimited by colons (:). This corresponds with the standard path delimiter under these OSes.