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3.5 Informational options

Informational options cause information about PSPP to be written to the terminal. Here are the available options:

Prints a message describing PSPP command-line syntax and the available device driver classes, then terminates.
Lists the available device driver classes, then terminates.
-x {compatible|enhanced}
If you chose compatible, then PSPP will only accept command syntax that is compatible with the proprietary program SPSS. If you choose enhanced then additional syntax will be available. The default is enhanced.
Prints a brief message listing PSPP's version, warranties you don't have, copying conditions and copyright, and e-mail address for bug reports, then terminates.
Increments PSPP's verbosity level. Higher verbosity levels cause PSPP to display greater amounts of information about what it is doing. Often useful for debugging PSPP's configuration.

This option can be given multiple times to set the verbosity level to that value. The default verbosity level is 0, in which no informational messages will be displayed.

Higher verbosity levels cause messages to be displayed when the corresponding events take place.

Driver and subsystem initializations.
Completion of driver initializations. Beginning of driver closings.
Completion of driver closings.
Files searched for; success of searches.
Individual directories included in file searches.

Each verbosity level also includes messages from lower verbosity levels.