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MATRIX DATA command reads square matrices in one of several textual formats. MATRIX DATA clears the dictionary and replaces it and reads a data file.

Use VARIABLES to specify the variables that form the rows and columns of the matrices. You may not specify a variable named VARNAME_. You should specify VARIABLES first.

Specify the file to read on FILE, either as a file name string or a file handle (see FILE HANDLE). If FILE is not specified then matrix data must immediately follow MATRIX DATA with a BEGIN DATA...END DATA construct (see BEGIN DATA).

The FORMAT subcommand specifies how the matrices are formatted. LIST, the default, indicates that there is one line per row of matrix data; FREE allows single matrix rows to be broken across multiple lines. This is analogous to the difference between DATA LIST FREE and DATA LIST LIST (see DATA LIST). LOWER, the default, indicates that the lower triangle of the matrix is given; UPPER indicates the upper triangle; and FULL indicates that the entire matrix is given. DIAGONAL, the default, indicates that the diagonal is part of the data; NODIAGONAL indicates that it is omitted. DIAGONAL/NODIAGONAL have no effect when FULL is specified.

The SPLIT subcommand is used to specify SPLIT FILE variables for the input matrices (see SPLIT FILE). Specify either a single variable not specified on VARIABLES, or one or more variables that are specified on VARIABLES. In the former case, the SPLIT values are not present in the data and ROWTYPE_ may not be specified on VARIABLES. In the latter case, the SPLIT values are present in the data.

Specify a list of factor variables on FACTORS. Factor variables must also be listed on VARIABLES. Factor variables are used when there are some variables where, for each possible combination of their values, statistics on the matrix variables are included in the data.

If FACTORS is specified and ROWTYPE_ is not specified on VARIABLES, the CELLS subcommand is required. Specify the number of factor variable combinations that are given. For instance, if factor variable A has 2 values and factor variable B has 3 values, specify 6.

The N subcommand specifies a population number of observations. When N is specified, one N record is output for each SPLIT FILE.

Use CONTENTS to specify what sort of information the matrices include. Each possible option is described in more detail below. When ROWTYPE_ is specified on VARIABLES, CONTENTS is optional; otherwise, if CONTENTS is not specified then /CONTENTS=CORR is assumed.

Number of observations as a vector, one value for each variable.
Number of observations as a single value.
Matrix of counts.
Vector of means.
Vector of standard deviations.
Vector of counts.
Vector of mean squared errors.
Vector of degrees of freedom.
Generic matrix.
Covariance matrix.
Correlation matrix.
Proximities matrix.

The exact semantics of the matrices read by MATRIX DATA are complex. Right now MATRIX DATA isn't too useful due to a lack of procedures accepting or producing related data, so these semantics aren't documented. Later, they'll be described here in detail.