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     PROCESS IF expression.

PROCESS IF temporarily eliminates cases from the data stream. Its effects are active only through the execution of the next procedure or procedure-like command.

Specify a boolean expression (see Expressions). If the value of the expression is true for a particular case, the case will be analyzed. If the expression has a false or missing value, then the case will be deleted from the data stream for this procedure only.

Regardless of its placement relative to other commands, PROCESS IF always takes effect immediately before data passes to the procedure. Only one PROCESS IF command may be in effect at any given time.

The effects of PROCESS IF are similar, but not identical, to the effects of executing TEMPORARY, then SELECT IF (see SELECT IF).

The filtering performed by PROCESS IF takes place immediately before cases pass to a procedure for analysis. Because PROCESS IF affects only a single procedure, its placement relative to TEMPORARY is unimportant.

PROCESS IF is deprecated. It is included for compatibility with old command files. New syntax files should use SELECT IF or FILTER instead.