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B.6.5 PostScript line options

Most tables contain lines, or rules, between cells. Some features of the way that lines are drawn in PostScript tables are user-definable:

Sets the style used for lines used to divide tables into sections. style must be either thick, in which case thick lines are used, or double, in which case double lines are used. Default: thick.
Sets the line gutter, which is the amount of white space on either side of lines that border text or graphics objects. See Dimensions. Default: 0.5pt.
Sets the line spacing, which is the amount of white space that separates lines that are side by side, as in a double line. Default: 0.5pt.
Sets the width of a typical line used in tables. Default: 0.5pt.
Sets the width of a thick line used in tables. Not used if line-style is set to thick. Default: 1.5pt.