SET (data input) /BLANKS={SYSMIS,'.',number} /DECIMAL={DOT,COMMA} /FORMAT=fmt_spec /EPOCH={AUTOMATIC,year} (program input) /ENDCMD='.' /NULLINE={ON,OFF} (interaction) /CPROMPT='cprompt_string' /DPROMPT='dprompt_string' /ERRORBREAK={OFF,ON} /MXERRS=max_errs /MXWARNS=max_warnings /PROMPT='prompt' /VIEWLENGTH={MINIMUM,MEDIAN,MAXIMUM,n_lines} /VIEWWIDTH=n_characters (program execution) /MEXPAND={ON,OFF} /MITERATE=max_iterations /MNEST=max_nest /MPRINT={ON,OFF} /MXLOOPS=max_loops /SEED={RANDOM,seed_value} /UNDEFINED={WARN,NOWARN} (data output) /CC{A,B,C,D,E}={'npre,pre,suf,nsuf','npre.pre.suf.nsuf'} /DECIMAL={DOT,COMMA} /FORMAT=fmt_spec (output routing) /ECHO={ON,OFF} /ERRORS={ON,OFF,TERMINAL,LISTING,BOTH,NONE} /INCLUDE={ON,OFF} /MESSAGES={ON,OFF,TERMINAL,LISTING,BOTH,NONE} /PRINTBACK={ON,OFF} /RESULTS={ON,OFF,TERMINAL,LISTING,BOTH,NONE} (output activation) /LISTING={ON,OFF} /PRINTER={ON,OFF} /SCREEN={ON,OFF} (output driver options) /HEADERS={NO,YES,BLANK} /LENGTH={NONE,length_in_lines} /LISTING=filename /MORE={ON,OFF} /PAGER={OFF,"pager_name"} /WIDTH={NARROW,WIDTH,n_characters} (logging) /JOURNAL={ON,OFF} [filename] /LOG={ON,OFF} [filename] (system files) /COMPRESSION={ON,OFF} /SCOMPRESSION={ON,OFF} (security) /SAFER=ON (obsolete settings accepted for compatibility, but ignored) /AUTOMENU={ON,OFF} /BEEP={ON,OFF} /BLOCK='c' /BOXSTRING={'xxx','xxxxxxxxxxx'} /CASE={UPPER,UPLOW} /COLOR=... /CPI=cpi_value /DISK={ON,OFF} /EJECT={ON,OFF} /HELPWINDOWS={ON,OFF} /HIGHRES={ON,OFF} /HISTOGRAM='c' /LOWRES={AUTO,ON,OFF} /LPI=lpi_value /MENUS={STANDARD,EXTENDED} /MXMEMORY=max_memory /PTRANSLATE={ON,OFF} /RCOLORS=... /RUNREVIEW={AUTO,MANUAL} /SCRIPTTAB='c' /TB1={'xxx','xxxxxxxxxxx'} /TBFONTS='string' /WORKDEV=drive_letter /WORKSPACE=workspace_size /XSORT={YES,NO}
SET allows the user to adjust several parameters relating to PSPP's execution. Since there are many subcommands to this command, its subcommands will be examined in groups.
On subcommands that take boolean values, ON and YES are synonym, and as are OFF and NO, when used as subcommand values.
The data input subcommands affect the way that data is read from data files. The data input subcommands are
Program input subcommands affect the way that programs are parsed when they are typed interactively or run from a script. They are
Interaction subcommands affect the way that PSPP interacts with an online user. The interaction subcommands are
Program execution subcommands control the way that PSPP commands execute. The program execution subcommands are
Data output subcommands affect the format of output data. These subcommands are
The commas or periods divide the string into four fields, which are, in
order, the negative prefix, prefix, suffix, and negative suffix. When a
value is formatted using the custom currency format, the prefix precedes
the value formatted and the suffix follows it. In addition, if the
value is negative, the negative prefix precedes the prefix and the
negative suffix follows the suffix.
Output routing subcommands affect where the output of transformations and procedures is sent. These subcommands are
Output activation subcommands affect whether output devices of particular types are enabled. These subcommands are
Output driver option subcommands affect output drivers' settings. These subcommands are
Logging subcommands affect logging of commands executed to external files. These subcommands are
System file subcommands affect the default format of system files produced by PSPP. These subcommands are
Security subcommands affect the operations that commands are allowed to perform. The security subcommands are
Be aware that this setting does not guarantee safety (commands can still overwrite files, for instance) but it is an improvement. When set, this setting cannot be reset during the same session, for obvious security reasons.