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4.2 The remsync command and arguments

At the shell prompt, calling the command remsync without any parameters initiates an interactive dialog, in which the user types commands and receives feedback from the program.

The command remsync, given at the shell prompt, may have arguments, in which case these arguments taken together form one remsync interactive command. However, `--help' and `--version' options are interpreted especially, with their usual effect in GNU. Once this command has been executed, no more commands are taken from the user and remsync terminates execution. This allows for using remsync in some kind of batch mode. It is unwise to redirect remsync standard input, because user interactions might often be needed in ways difficult to predict in advance.

The two most common usages of remsync are the commands:

remsync b
remsync p

The first example executes the broadcast command, which sends synchronization packages to all connected remote sites for the current local directory tree.

The second example executes the process command, which studies and complies with a synchronisation package saved in the current directory (not necessarily into the synchronized directory tree), under the usual file name `remsync.tar.gz'.

This document was generated by Bruce Korb on June, 3 2006 using texi2html 1.76.

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