[image of a Brave GNU World]
《勇敢 GNU 世界》 - 〈第 43 期〉
Copyright © 2002 Georg C. F. Greve <greve@gnu.org>
[中文] 翻譯:梁 萌 <liangmeng@tsinghua.org.cn>
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Welcome to another issue of the Brave GNU World; this time with a variety of topics from different areas.

歡迎再次來到《勇敢 GNU 世界》; 這次將有來自不同領域的各種話題。 【譯注:為求優譯,中英文並陳將持續到發表之後約一個月; 在此期間,請不吝於提供對於本文翻譯的意見。】

KDE en_GB(KDE 的英語區域化計畫)

John Knight pointed the "KDE en_GB" project out to me, of which he is the initiator and coordinator. Goal of the project is to provide a British English (en_GB) localization for the well-known K Desktop Environment (KDE).

John Knight 向我指出了“KDE en_GB”計畫, 他是該計畫的發起者和管理者。 該計畫的目標就是為著名的 K 桌面環境(KDE) 提供一個英式英語(en_GB)的區域化環境。

Many people value "their" English and (as in this case) do not feel comfortable with the far-spread American English. This project allows them to choose their favorite English.

很多人很珍惜“他們的”英語, 對廣泛傳播的美語並不感到舒服。 這個計畫可以使他們選擇他們喜愛的英語。

It also offers advantages for the educational field, because in some countries, British English is the authoritative form and pupils using only seeing American English on their computers might develop problems with their own language.

這對教育領域也是有利的, 因為在一些國家, 英語是官方語言, 如果學生們在使用他們電腦的過程中間只看到美語, 這會對他們自己語言的發展造成問題。

Therefore John believes that as one of the major results of his project, KDE will experience an advantage in schools and universities of Great Britainy, Australia and other former members of the British Empire.

因此 John 相信他的計畫的一個主要結果就是將使得 KDE 在英國、 澳大利亞以及其他的前大英帝國成員的學校和大學中更具有優勢。

John himself happens to be Australian and started the project about 1.5 years ago because - according to his own sentiment - he used to be overly pedantic and wanted to put that to good use.

John 本身是一個澳大利亞人, 他在一年半之前開始這項計畫, 因為根據他自己的觀點, 他過去太過於書生氣並希望能夠很好的應用它。

Together with Malcolm Hunter (England), Dwayne Bailey (South Africa), Aston Clulow (Australia) and Ken Knight, his twin brother, John is trying to keep the translation as up-to-date as possible, because ongoing development provides a permanently changing basis. This is one of the main difficulties the project is facing.

與 Malcolm Hunter (英格蘭)、 Dwayne Bailey (南非)、 Aston Clulow (澳大利亞)以及他的孿生兄弟 Ken Knight一起, John 正在努力的使翻譯盡可能地保持最新, 這是因為正在進行的開發造成了巨大的基礎改變。 這是該計畫目前面對的主要困難之一。

Other problems arise from programmers writing mixtures of British and American English; also sometimes Americanisms are overlooked by the translators. Therefore, additional pairs of eyes are always welcome.

其他問題有程式員寫作中英語和美語的混合使用; 以及有時美語被翻譯人員忽視。 因此總是歡迎更多目光的關注〔以幫忙找出這些問題〕。

By the way: It appears that contact with Will Stephenson, another volunteer, was lost because his email address does not seem to work. If Will Stephenson reads this: John asks you to get in touch with him.

順便一提: 〔他〕似乎與另一個志願者 Will Stephenson 失去了聯繫, 因為他的電子郵件地址失效了。 如果 Will Stephenson 讀到了這篇文章, John 請你和他聯繫。

Also John would like to encourage the large distributions to support the project more, since some of them require installing the package by hand.

同時 John 也希望鼓勵大的散佈件〔能夠〕更多地支持這項計畫, 因為它們中的一些套件需要手工安裝。

Within the project, a list of all English-speaking countries has been created, which lists the preferred form of English within a country. Even if it is not complete, it could certainly be interesting for distributors to optimize the automatic customization.

在該計畫中, 建立了一個所有說英語的國家列表, 它列出了一個國家中比較傾向的英語。 即使它並不全, 它對散佈者〔進行〕「自動客戶化」的最佳化也肯定是有用的。

And finally the work of Dwayne should be mentioned. He is being financed by the South African government to create modules for all 11 languages spoken in South Africa - when John spoke to him last, he was busy with Xhosa and Zulu.

最後應該提到的是 Dwayne 的工作。 他由南非政府資助來為所有十一種南非所說的語言創建模塊 -- 上一次 John 和他談話的時候, 他正在忙於 Xhosa 語和 Zulu 語。

The freedom of doing such projects is truly invaluable and cannot be put into monetary terms; it is clearly a major argument for Free Software. Also it shows that Free Software not only encourages cultural diversity between countries, it also strengthens cultural diversity within a country.

進行如此計畫的自由是無價的, 無法用金錢來衡量; 這顯然是自由軟體的一個主要觀點。 同時它也表明自由軟體不但鼓勵國家之間文化的多元化, 也加強了一個國家內部文化的多元化。

As usual within the KDE project, the work of the translation teams is also published under the terms of the GNU General Public License and if you are interested in more information about translations of KDE, you should take a look at the KDE home page for translators and documentation writers. [5]

正如 KDE 計畫的慣例, 這個翻譯工作組的工作也是以 GNU General Public License 進行發布的; 如果你對 KDE 翻譯的更多資訊感興趣, 請參看 KDE 的翻譯和文件寫作的主頁。 [5]

This is also where new translators can find information and new translations can be started. It would certainly be interesting to have translations into some of the German dialects, "Platt" for instance. Should someone be working on this, please let me know. [1]

這裡也是新的翻譯者尋找資訊和新的翻譯開始的地方。 諸如譯為德國方言“Platt”的工作一定是十分有趣的。 如果有人願意這麼作,請告訴我。 [1]

JMail(Java 編寫的電子郵件程式)

JMail [6] is an email program written in Java by Yvan Norsa and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

JMail [6] 是一個 Yvan Norsa 用 Java 編寫的電子郵件程式, 它以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 發布。

Originally started as homework for school, JMail has turned out to be a rather complete email client with LDAP support that can be used on all platforms supporting Java. This makes it particularly interesting for everyone having to work on different platforms.

JMail 已經由最初的學校家庭作業變成了一個支持 LDAP 的相當完善的電子郵件客戶端〔程式〕, 可以在所有支持 Java 的平台上使用。 這使得必須在不同平台上工作的人對它特別感興趣。

Despite the GPL-license, the project is of course notably encumbered as Free Software, since it requires a proprietary Java environment, making the user dependant on them. This well-known Java problem has not been solved completely still.

儘管是 GPL 許可的, 該計畫顯然還是有困難成為自由軟體, 因為它要求私權的 Java 環境, 這使得用戶必須依賴它們。 這個著名的 Java 問題還沒有得到很好的解決。

For further development, Yvan plans reimplementing some parts with code that he feels is unsatisfactory, as well as introducing local folders and thread support. Also the profile files will be changed From plain text to XML.

在將來的開發中, Yvan 將重新實作一些他認為不滿意的部分的代碼, 同時也將引入本地文件夾和線程支持。 同時配置文件也將由純文字變為 XML。

At the moment JMail supports English and French; help by translators for other languages than English and French, as well as help by proofreaders for the English version would be very welcome.

目前 JMail 支持英語和法語; 非常歡迎來自英語和法語之外的語言翻譯者, 以及英語版本的驗證讀者的幫助。

But even more importantly than translators are more users giving feedback and bug reports to help Yvan reaching version 1.0, which he would like to release towards the end of this summer.

但是比翻譯更重要的是更多用戶的反饋和錯誤報告, 以幫助 Yvan 達到 1.0 的版本, 他希望在這個夏天結束的時候發布。


One of the areas most encumbered by the existance of software patents is digital compression of voice audio files, which provides the basis for internet telephony ("Voice over IP;" VoIP), audio books, internet radio, voice mail and other future applications.

被軟體專利的存在所阻礙的領域之一便是語音音頻文件的數字壓縮, 它為網際網路通話(“IP 語音” VoIP)、語音圖書、網際網路收音、 語音郵件以及其他將來的應用提供了基礎。

Since Free Software is not compatible with a monopolizing system, a Free Software implementation of patented algorithms can only be done under very special circumstances, which are not met in this area. Users of Free Software are therefore left with few choices nowadays, which either means low quality and/or low compression rate or encodings that were optimized for music, like Ogg-Vorbis. [7]

因為自由軟體與壟斷系統不相容, 專利演算法的自由軟體實作只能在非常特殊的環境中實作, 這無法滿足該領域的需要。 因此目前自由軟體的用戶只有很少的選擇, 要麼意味著低質量和(或)低的壓縮率, 要麼是為音樂最佳化的編碼, 例如 Ogg-Vorbis。 [7]

With Speex, [8] a recent addition to the GNU Project, Jean-Marc Valin is working on a Free Software solution unencumbered by software patents. He is being supported in this task by David Rowe and Steve Underwood, as well as several people helping investigate patents to ensure Speex does not violate them.

通過最近新加入 GNU 計畫的 Speex [8], Jean-Marc Valin 正在完成一個不被軟體專利阻礙的自由軟體的解決方案。 David Rowe 和 Steve Underwood 在支持他的這個任務, 另外有一些人通過查找專利以確保 Speex 不會違反它們。

Having been started in February 2002, the project is written entirely in ANSI C to keep it as portable as possible and published under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) to maintain interoperability with proprietary software.

該計畫開始於2002年2月, 它完全由 ANSI C 編寫以盡可能的保證其移植性, 並且以 GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 發布以保持與私權軟體協同工作的能力。

As the project is still in a relatively young development phase, the file and stream format often changing from version to version - stabilizing this is one of the most important tasks at hand.

因為該計畫仍然處於相對早期的開發階段, 文件和〔音樂〕流格式經常在版本之間改變 -- 使之穩定化是目前手頭最重要的任務之一。

Despite this difficulty, there are already first applications of Speex - for example Linphone [9] by Simon Morlat, an internet telephony program for GNU/Linux, which is also building upon the GNU oSIP library introduced in issue #39. [10]

儘管存在這個困難, 現在已經有了 Speex 的第一批應用程式 -- 例如 Simon Morlat 的 Linphone , [9] 一個 GNU/Linux 上的網際網路電話程式, 同時它也構建於第 39 期上介紹的 GNU oSIP 程式庫之上。 [10]

The most severe problem for Speex development are software patents, though. They require permanent attention to check whether patents are being violated and how they can be circumvented. This provides a significant roadblock to innovation and help for this is very much welcome.

然而 Speex 開發的最嚴重的問題就是軟體專利。 它們要求始終注意是否違反了專利以及如何避免它們。 這為創新設置了一個嚴重的障礙, 非常歡迎在這個問題上的幫助。

Depending on the perspective, some could consider the unsatisfactoy music-encoding-capabilities of Speex a disadvantage; but for this purpose there is Ogg-Vorbis, to which Speex seeks to provide a supplemental, not a replacement.

根據前景, 有些人可能會認為不令人滿意的音樂編碼能力是 Speex 的一個缺陷; 但是基於這個目的〔我們〕有 Ogg-Vorbis 〔來針對它〕, Speex 只是為其提供一個補充而不是代替它。

Besides the patent problems, there are also other issues you can support Speex development with. Developers with a background in digital signal processing (DSP) are sought for quality improvement and help would also be useful for the API and the encoder/decoder.

除了專利問題, 還存在一些其它你可以幫助 Speex 開發的地方。 尋求具有數字信號處理(DSP)背景的開發者以改進質量, 同時有關 API 和編碼/解碼器的幫助也將非常有用。

Similar to many young projects, Speex also is lacking in documentation, as the developers sadly admit. So there are many possibilities to participate.

與很多早期的項目一樣, Speex 缺乏文件, 正如開發者悲哀地承認的一樣。 所以有很多參與的機會。

As a side note, Jean-Marc would like to see pointed out that being member of the University of Sherbrooke does not put him into a conflict of interests although the university is notorious for holding software patents on speech coding.

作為附註, Jean-Marc 很樂意被指出, 作為 Sherbrooke 大學中的一員並沒有與他造成利益的衝突, 儘管該大學因為在語音編碼上堅持軟體專利而聲名狼藉。

Although he made his masters degree in that group, he is now working on his Ph.D. in the group for mobile robotics, which gives him freedom when working on speech coding.

儘管他是在那個領域中拿到了他的碩士學位, 他現在移動機器人的領域攻讀他的博士學位, 這給了他在語音編碼上工作的自由。

It is a rather sad statement for the future of science that such a disclaimer is necessary nowadays.

目前這樣的放棄聲明是必須的, 這對於科學的未來是一種相當悲慘的境地。


As the previous feature shows, software patents have a very immediate effect on some projects and we have to fear that this will spread further. By now, many people have heard about the software patent problem - also thanks to the untiring work of people like Hartmut Pilch and Jean-Paul Smets.

正如上面特寫所顯示的, 軟體專利對於一些計畫具有非常直接的影響, 我們必須擔心這會傳播得更加廣泛。 到現在, 很多人們都聽說過軟體專利問題 -- 同時非常感謝像 Hartmut Pilch 和 Jean-Paul Smets 一樣的人們的不懈工作。

But it seems there is still a lot of wrong ideas and confusion around this topic - especially with decision makers and politicians, because otherwise some statements become incomprehensible.

但似乎關於這個話題仍然存在著很多的錯誤觀念和困惑 -- 特別是對於決策者和政客們, 因為若非如此, 一些〔相關的〕陳述就會變得無法理解了。

In issue #5 [11] of the Brave GNU World, the attempt was made to point out the problem technically, but maybe it is time to view it more from a macro-economical perspective.

《勇敢 GNU 世界》的第 5 期 [11] 試圖從技術上指出這個問題, 但是也許現在是更多的從總體經濟的角度來看待它的時候了。

As examples in the United States show, [12] the actual effect of software patents is introducing a mechanism which allows larger companies to raise or lower their thumb, deciding about life or death of innovative ideas and companies. They provide a carte blanche to force anyone into legal struggles that are usually survived by the larger company.

正如美國的例子所展示的, [12] 軟體專利的實際效果是引入了一個機制, 允許大公司們可以通過「贊成與否」〔的行為〕 來決定創新的想法和公司的死活。 它們提供了一張全權委托書來強迫所有人進行法律鬥爭, 而通常是大公司倖存下來。

The creation of software patents and the legal struggles about software patents both require patent lawyers. And in Europe the patent approving instance, the European Patent Office, is neither democratically controlled nor is it responsible for approved patents. This makes software patents the gold donkey for patent lawyers and the patent office.

軟體專利和關於軟體專利的法律鬥爭都需要專利律師。 在歐洲, 專利批准機構 - 歐洲專利局 - 既不被民主地管理也不對批准的專利負責。 這使軟體專利成為了專利律師和專利局的搖錢樹(金驢)。

Software patents can be created in almost any number, do not require a connection to reality and their only purpose is to start legal struggles.

軟體專利可以幾乎任意數目地建立, 而並不需要與事實的聯繫, 它們的唯一目的就是要引起法律鬥爭。

But software patents do not only provide an efficient obstacle to innovation, they also force companies to spend large sums on patent lawyers and fees and make it necessary to maintain much larger "war chests" for legal struggles.

但是軟體專利不但為創新設置了一個有效的障礙, 同時它們也強迫公司花費更多的專利律師費和專利費, 並使得為法律鬥爭維持很多的“戰爭資金”成為必需。

Therefore software patents weaken innovation and the economic situation by introducing a kind of artificial friction loss which subsidizes part of the legal system.

因此軟體專利通過引入一種收買了部分法律系統的人為摩擦損失, 削弱了創新和經濟形式。

This is supported by practical experience as well as theoretical studies, because until today there is no proof that software patents are beneficial for society, but there are many facts showing their harmful effects.

這個觀點既被實踐經驗也被理論研究所支持, 因為直到今天都沒有軟體專利使社會受益的證據, 但是卻有很多展示它們害處的事實。

It should be allowed to raise the question whether the group of patent offices and patent lawyers needs such a subsidy financed by the overall economic situation.

應該允許提出這樣的問題 -- 是否專利局和專利律師集團需要這樣的一個由全部經濟形式來支持的津貼。

For those who would like to get deeper into the topic, the material collected by the FFII [13] is recommended. Also I ask everybody to support the petition for a software patent free Europe [14] and write letters to the editor to the mainstream press, asking them to address this topic.

對於希望更進一步深入探討該話題的人們, 推薦〔閱讀〕由 FFII [13] 所收集的材料。 同時我也請求每一個人都來支持要求一個沒有軟體專利的歐洲的請願書 [14], 並給主流媒體的編輯們寫信, 請求他們關注這個話題。


Filippo Rusconi of the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) has published polyXmass, [15] a program for mass spectrometry simulation, as Free Software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) with support of his university.

“Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique”(CNRS) 的 Filippo Rusconi 發布了 polyXmass , [15] 一個用於質譜模擬的程式, 作為以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 發布的自由軟體並且得到他的大學的支持。

The project aims at providing a modular framework which allows the user to define new polymer chemistries, build them into sequences and perform sophisticated computations on them that simulate chemical reactions in order to create a simulated mass spectrogram reflecting all the previous steps.

這項計畫的目的是要提供一個模塊框架, 允許用戶定義新的聚合化合物, 將它們編入序列, 並對它們進行模擬化學反應的複雜計算, 以創建一個模擬的質譜從而反映所有以前的步驟。

The program was written in C with the Gtk+ toolkit and its target audience would be users of mass spectrometers, especially chemists, biochemists and students. And far as the author knows, there are no comparable projects.

這個程式是搭配 Gtk+ 工具組並用 C 編寫的, 它的目標用戶將是質譜的使用者, 特別是化學家、生物化學家和學生。 據作者所知, 現在還沒有類似的計畫。

In the eyes of Filippo Rusconi, polyXmass has many strengths. It is very versatile when defining polymers, incredibly flexible in displaying sequences, allowing users to draw the "letters" of the "alphabet" themselves, as well as very quick in chemical computations.

在 Filippo Rusconi 看來, polyXmass 具有很多能力。 它非常通用, 可以定義聚合物, 顯示序列時不可思議的靈活, 允許用戶自己繪制“字母表”中的“字母”, 同時在化學計算上也非常快速。

Since XML is used to save polymer definitions and sequences, all data exists as ASCII and can be edited by hand or imported into own programs.

因為使用 XML 儲存聚合物定義和序列, 所有的數據都以 ASCII 形式存在, 從而可以手工編輯或者導入自己的程式中。

The project was born out of the wish to move to GNU/Linux, because originally Filippo had written a program called massXpert under Windows, which allowed calculation of proteins only. Instead of simply porting that program, he reimplemented it in a way that would allow working with all polymers, which would be defined by the user. PolyXmass is this reimplementation.

這項計畫誕生於移植到 GNU/Linux 上的希望, 因為最初 Filippo 編寫了一個叫做 massXpert 的 Windows 下的程式, 它只允許計算蛋白質。 他不是僅僅移植程式, 而是重新實作了它, 重新實作的方式允許針對所有的聚合物工作, 而聚合物將由用戶定義。 PolyXmass 就是這項重新的實作。

But development on the program is not "closed." When a colleague recently sketched some complicated formulas on a piece of paper, which required Filippo to to compute masses in a rather tricky way, he wrote a sophisticated molecular calculator for polyXmass and called it polyXcalc. So it is a very lively project that is already very useful to many users as the feedback shows.

但是程式上的開發並沒有“關閉”。 當一位同事在一片紙上草擬出了一些複雜的分子式, 而這些要求 Filippo 以一種相當有技巧的方法計算物質時, 他為 polyXmass 編寫了一個複雜的分子計算器, 並且叫它 polyXcalc 。 所以它是一項充滿活力的計畫, 同時正如反饋所表示的, 它對很多用戶也是一項非常有用的計畫。

For the future it is planned to make the program more modular, possibly through CORBA/Orbit code, but these plans have not yet solidified. If you would like to contribute, you're surely welcome.

〔他〕計劃著在將來使程式更加模塊化, 可能通過 CORBA/Orbit 代碼, 但是這些計畫還沒有落實。 如果你願意參與, 非常歡迎。

DotGNU 論壇〔開發計畫〕

The DotGNU Forum project [16] is part of the DotGNU project, [17] which aims at creating an "operating system for the internet" and a Free alternative to Microsofts .NET initiative, since the latter currently threatens the freedom of users.

DotGNU 論壇計畫 [16] 是 DotGNU 計畫的一部分, [17] 它的目的是創建一個“網際網路的作業系統” 以及 Microsofts .NET 的一個自由的替代品, 因為它正威脅著用戶的自由。

The goal of DotGNU Forum is establishing a platform which allows multiple users to simultaneously work on data together through communication channels such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Instant Messaging (IM), Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), USENET or HTTP.

DotGNU 論壇的目標是建立一個平台, 該平台允許多用戶同時通過諸如網際網路線上聊天(IRC)、 檔案傳輸協定(FTP)、實時資訊 (IM)、公告牌系統 (BBS)、 USENET 或 HTTP 等交流渠道對數據進行作業。

The DotGNU Forum server also provides "plazas," virtual meeting points which may contain data or applications relevant for certain topics. Users can meet in these and work together on a project.

DotGNU 論壇伺服器同時也提供“廣場”(plazas)虛擬接觸點, 它可能會包括與特定話題相關的數據或應用程式。 用戶們可以在這裡接觸並同時在一項計畫中工作。

For this the DotGNU Forum provides several means of communication, like documentation browser, download server, message boards and an integrated chat system.

為了實作它, DotGNU 論壇提供了幾種交流方式, 例如文件瀏覽器、下載伺服器、資訊公告以及一個整合的聊天系統。

DotGNU Forum was written in C# and it is possible to write extensions in other languages supported by DotGNU.

DotGNU 論壇用 C# 編寫, 也可以用其他 DotGNU 支持的語言編寫擴充〔程式〕。

According to Peter Minten, author of DotGNU Forum, one of the major advantages of his project is its client-server based design philosophy, which tries to keep the server as small and stable as possible. Also the extensibility is one reason why he believes people should consider using DotGNU Forum.

據 DotGNU 論壇的作者 Peter Minten 所說, 他的計畫的一大優勢在於它構建於客戶端-伺服器(主從)的理念, 這將使伺服器保持盡可能的小和穩定。 同時可擴充性也是他相信人們會考慮使用 DotGNU 論壇的一個原因。

The idea for the project evolved out of some first thoughts about virtual universities and class rooms, which has been generalized to virtual places. In reference to the ancient romans, where the forum was a center of communication and activity, the project was then dubbed DotGNU Forum.

該計畫的想法發展了最初關於虛擬大學和教室的想法, 將其推廣到了虛擬空間。 在古羅馬, 論壇是一個交流和活動的中心, 該計畫因此被稱為 DotGNU 論壇。

Right now the server still requires some work before the first applications can be written and help is very welcome for writing code and documentation.

直到現在, 伺服端在編寫第一個應用〔程式〕之前仍然需要一些工作, 因此非常歡迎編寫代碼和文件的幫助。

For the not-so-close future, Peter envisions 3D-forums in which people can see each other virtually and talk to each other through Voice over IP (VoIP). But until this becomes possible, it'll certainly be a while.

在不是很近的將來, Peter 預想〔能有〕三維論壇, 在其中人們可以互相看到虛擬的對方, 並可以通過 IP 語音(VoIP)交談。 但是距離這個想法成為現實, 顯然還需要一些時間。

As the next steps, it is rather planned to support EMACS and other editors as input interfaces for the forum.

作為第一步, 它計劃著要支持 EMACS 和其他編輯器作為論壇的輸入界面。 【Emacs 的中文快速指南(TUTORIAL)已經安裝到此編輯器套件中; 也可以在 GNU 中譯小組的頁面中 下載 一份拷貝。 】

Oh, and as a part of the GNU Project, DotGNU Forum is naturally released under the GNU General Public License.

哦,對了, 作為 GNU 計畫的一部分, DotGNU 論壇自然是以 GNU General Public License 發布的。


That should be enough for this month. As usual please feel encouraged to provide questions, ideas, feedback, comments and news about interesting projects by mailing them to the usual address. [1]

以上便是這個月的內容。 一如往常〔所說〕, 請不吝提供有關有趣計畫的問題、想法、反饋、意見和消息, 並寫信發送到老地方。 [1] 【譯註:請以英文或德文撰寫郵件,其他的語言無法被瞭解; 或以中文送到本文翻譯。】

[1] 請將想法、意見和問題送到 《勇敢 GNU 世界》<column@brave-gnu-world.org>
[2] GNU 計畫的首頁 http://www.gnu.org/home.zh.html
[3] 《勇敢 GNU 世界》的首頁 http://brave-gnu-world.org
[4] 「我們經營 GNU」原創 http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/rungnu/rungnu.zh.html
[5] KDE 國際化首頁 http://www.i18n.kde.org
[6] JMail 首頁 http://www.ultim8team.com/~nono/html_en/index.htm
[7] Ogg-Vorbis 首頁 http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/
[8] Speex 首頁 http://speex.sourceforge.net
[9] Linphone 首頁 http://www.linphone.org
[10] 《勇敢 GNU 世界》第 39 期 http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/issue-39.en.html
[11] 《勇敢 GNU 世界》第 5 期 http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/issue-5.en.html
[12] Gary L. Reback,“顯然不合理”, Forbes 雜誌 http://www.forbes.com/asap/2002/0624/044.html
[13] FFII 首頁 http://www.ffii.org
[14] (要求) 一個沒有軟體專利的歐洲的請願書 http://www.noepatents.org
[15] polyXmass 首頁 http://www.polyxmass.org
[16] DotGNU 論壇計畫頁面 http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/dotgnu-forum/
[17] DotGNU 首頁 http://www.dotgnu.org

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Copyright (C) 2002 Georg C. F. Greve
[中文] 翻譯:梁 萌

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this transcript as long as the copyright and this permission notice appear.

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Last modified: Mon Aug 12 13:22:55 CEST 2002