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The GNU/FSF Web Site Guidelines

 [image of the typing GNU]

These are style guidelines for writing WWW web pages in HTML for the GNU/FSF web server.

The standards documented here are the default for the GNU project and FSF websites. All pages should appear this way by default. However, if you want to design alternative pages that differ from these guidelines, it's all right to do so as long as those features are supported by some Free Software web browsers.

However, when new features are used, they should be used in a consistent way, and standards should be developed for how we use them. Please contact the other maintainers of pages that use similar features, and discuss with them new standards for using these features, so we can note those new standards here.

Talk with <> if you are having trouble finding other web page authors using the features you are interested in.

Please note, however, that regardless, frames should not be used, even in the alternative pages, because they interfere with bookmarking. But if you think you know of a good reason to use frames, please tell us about it.

Table of Contents

Copyright Guidelines

General Guidelines

Filename and URL Guidelines

HTML Guidelines

Use of Graphics

Useful Resources

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