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Package gnu.crypto.pad

Provides a basic API for using block cipher padding algorithms.


Interface Summary
IPad The basic visible methods of any padding algorithm.

Class Summary
BasePad An abstract class to facilitate implementing padding algorithms.
PadFactory A Factory to instantiate padding schemes.
PKCS1_V1_5 A padding algorithm implementation of the EME-PKCS1-V1.5 encoding/decoding algorithm as described in section 7.2 of RFC-3447.
PKCS7 The implementation of the PKCS7 padding algorithm.
TBC The implementation of the Trailing Bit Complement (TBC) padding algorithm.

Exception Summary
WrongPaddingException A checked exception that indicates that a padding algorithm did not find the expected padding bytes when unpadding some data.

Package gnu.crypto.pad Description

Provides a basic API for using block cipher padding algorithms.

Package overview

A padding scheme is merely a standard method of ensuring that the input to be encrypted is a multiple of the cipher's block size.

The following diagram shows the important classes participating in this package:

The following example pads an input buffer, transforms the padded buffer with already-initialized IMode instances, then unpads the output buffer.

IPad padding = IPad.getInstance("PKCS7");

byte[] pad = padding.pad(input, 0, input.length);
byte[] pt = new byte[input.length + pad.length];
byte[] ct = new byte[pt.length];
byte[] cpt = new byte[pt.length];
System.arraycopy(input, 0, pt, 0, input.length);
System.arraycopy(pad, 0, pt, input.length, pad.length);

for (int i = 0; i + blockSize < pt.length; i += blockSize)
    enc.update(pt, i, ct, i);

for (int i = 0; i + blockSize < ct.length; i += blockSize)
    dec.update(ct, i, cpt, i);

int unpad = padding.unpad(cpt, 0, cpt.length);
byte[] output = new byte[cpt.length - unpad];
System.arraycopy(cpt, 0, output, 0, output.length);

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