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gr_math.h File Reference

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long gr_gcd (long m, long n)
int gr_isnan (double value)
int gr_signbit (double x)
float gr_fast_atan2f (float y, float x)
 Fast arc tangent using table lookup and linear interpolation.

Function Documentation

float gr_fast_atan2f float  y,
float  x

Fast arc tangent using table lookup and linear interpolation.

y component of input vector
x component of input vector
float angle angle of vector (x, y) in radians
This function calculates the angle of the vector (x,y) based on a table lookup and linear interpolation. The table uses a 256 point table covering -45 to +45 degrees and uses symetry to determine the final angle value in the range of -180 to 180 degrees. Note that this function uses the small angle approximation for values close to zero. This routine calculates the arc tangent with an average error of +/- 0.045 degrees.

long gr_gcd long  m,
long  n

int gr_isnan double  value  ) 

int gr_signbit double  x  ) 

Generated on Sat Jul 8 17:07:39 2006 for GNU Radio 2.x by  doxygen 1.4.1