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Signal Sinks
[Signal Processing Blocks]

Collaboration diagram for Signal Sinks:

Detailed Description

docs for sinks...


class  gr_check_counting_s
 sink that checks if its input stream consists of a counting sequence. More...
class  gr_check_lfsr_32k_s
 sink that checks if its input stream consists of a lfsr_32k sequence. More...
class  gr_framer_sink_1
 Given a stream of bits and access_code flags, assemble packets. More...
class  gr_null_sink
 Bit bucket. More...
class  gr_packet_sink
 process received bits looking for packet sync, header, and process bits into packet More...
class  gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c
 compute avg magnitude squared. More...
class  gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_f
 compute avg magnitude squared. More...
class  gr_probe_signal_f
 Sink that allows a sample to be grabbed from Python. More...
class  gr_vector_sink_b
 unsigned char sink that writes to a vector More...
class  gr_vector_sink_c
 gr_complex sink that writes to a vector More...
class  gr_vector_sink_f
 float sink that writes to a vector More...
class  gr_vector_sink_i
 int sink that writes to a vector More...
class  gr_vector_sink_s
 short sink that writes to a vector More...
class  gr_file_descriptor_sink
 Write stream to file descriptor. More...
class  gr_file_sink
 Write stream to file. More...
class  gr_message_sink
 Gather received items into messages and insert into msgq. More...
class  gr_oscope_sink_f
 Building block for python oscilloscope module. More...
class  gr_oscope_sink_x
 Abstract class for python oscilloscope module. More...

Generated on Sat Jul 8 17:15:05 2006 for GNU Radio 2.x by  doxygen 1.4.1