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gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c Class Reference
[Signal Sinks]

#include <gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c.h>

Inheritance diagram for gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

compute avg magnitude squared.

input: gr_complex

Compute a running average of the magnitude squared of the the input. The level and indication as to whether the level exceeds threshold can be retrieved with the level and unmuted accessors.

Public Member Functions

 ~gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c ()
int work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
 just like gr_block::general_work, only this arranges to call consume_each for you
bool unmuted () const
double level () const
double threshold () const
void set_alpha (double alpha)
void set_threshold (double decibels)


gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c_sptr gr_make_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c (double threshold_db, double alpha)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::~gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c  ) 

Member Function Documentation

double gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::level  )  const [inline]

void gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::set_alpha double  alpha  ) 

void gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::set_threshold double  decibels  ) 

double gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::threshold  )  const

bool gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::unmuted  )  const [inline]

int gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c::work int  noutput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star input_items,
gr_vector_void_star output_items

just like gr_block::general_work, only this arranges to call consume_each for you

The user must override work to define the signal processing code

Implements gr_sync_block.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c_sptr gr_make_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c double  threshold_db,
double  alpha

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Jul 8 17:13:49 2006 for GNU Radio 2.x by  doxygen 1.4.1