File System Interface

Function: file-exists? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists.

Function: file-directory? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and is a directory.

Function: file-readable? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and can be read from.

Function: file-writable? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and can be writen to. (Undefined if the filename does not exist, but the file can be created in the directory.)

Function: delete-file filename

Delete the file named filename.

Function: rename-file oldname newname

Renames the file named oldname to newname.

Function: copy-file oldname newname-from path-to

Copy the file named oldname to newname. The return value is unspecified.

Function: create-directory dirname

Create a new directory named dirname. Unspecified what happens on error (such as exiting file with the same name). (Currently returns #f on error, but may change to be more compatible with scsh.)

Function: system-tmpdir

Return the name of the default directory for temporary files.

Function: make-temporary-file [format]

Return a file with a name that does not match any existing file. Use format (which defaults to "kawa~d.tmp") to generate a unique filename in (system-tmpdir). The current implementation is not safe from race conditions; this will be fixed in a future release (using Java2 features).