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3.2 Configuration Options

Configuration options are used to change PSPP's configuration for the current run. The configuration options are:

-a {compatible|enhanced}
If you chose compatible, then PSPP will use the same algorithms as used by some proprietary statistical analysis packages. This is not recommended, as these algorithms are inferior and in some cases compeletely broken. The default setting is enhanced. Certain commands have subcommands which allow you to override this setting on a per command basis.
-B dir
Sets the configuration directory to dir. See File locations.
-o device
Selects the output device with name device. If this option is given more than once, then all devices mentioned are selected. This option disables all devices besides those mentioned on the command line.
-d var[=value]
Defines an `environment variable' named var having the optional value value specified. See Variable values.
-u var
Undefines the `environment variable' named var. See Variable values.