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D.9 Long Variable Names Record

There must be no more than one long variable names record per system file. This record must follow the variable records and precede the dictionary termination record.

     struct sysfile_long_variable_names
         /* Header. */
         int32               rec_type;
         int32               subtype;
         int32               size;
         int32               count;
         /* Data. */
         char                var_name_pairs[/* variable length */];
int32 rec_type;
Record type. Always set to 7.
int32 subtype;
Record subtype. Always set to 13.
int32 size;
The size of each element in the var_name_pairs member. Always set to 1.
int32 count;
The total number of bytes in var_name_pairs.
char var_name_pairs[/* variable length];
A list of keyvalue tuples, where key is the name of a variable, and value is its long variable name. The key field is at most 8 bytes long and must match the name of a variable which appears in the variable record See Variable Record. The value field is at most 64 bytes long. The key and value fields are separated by a = byte. Each tuple is separated by a byte whose value is 09. There is no trailing separator following the last tuple. The total length is count bytes.