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D.10 Miscellaneous Informational Records

Miscellaneous informational records must follow the variable records and precede the dictionary termination record.

Miscellaneous informational records are ignored by PSPP when reading system files. They are not written by PSPP when writing system files.

     struct sysfile_misc_info
         /* Header. */
         int32               rec_type;
         int32               subtype;
         int32               size;
         int32               count;
         /* Data. */
         char                data[/* variable length */];
int32 rec_type;
Record type. Always set to 7.
int32 subtype;
Record subtype. May take any value. According to Aapi Hämäläinen, value 5 indicates a set of grouped variables and 6 indicates date info (probably related to USE).
int32 size;
Size of each piece of data in the data part. Should have the value 4 or 8, for int32 and flt64, respectively.
int32 count;
Number of pieces of data in the data part.
char data[/* variable length */];
Arbitrary data. There must be size times count bytes of data.