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4.6.3 Lists of variable names

To refer to a set of variables, list their names one after another. Optionally, their names may be separated by commas. To include a range of variables from the dictionary in the list, write the name of the first and last variable in the range, separated by TO. For instance, if the dictionary contains six variables with the names ID, X1, X2, GOAL, MET, and NEXTGOAL, in that order, then X2 TO MET would include variables X2, GOAL, and MET.

Commands that define variables, such as DATA LIST, give TO an alternate meaning. With these commands, TO define sequences of variables whose names end in consecutive integers. The syntax is two identifiers that begin with the same root and end with numbers, separated by TO. The syntax X1 TO X5 defines 5 variables, named X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5. The syntax ITEM0008 TO ITEM0013 defines 6 variables, named ITEM0008, ITEM0009, ITEM0010, ITEM0011, ITEM0012, and ITEM00013. The syntaxes QUES001 TO QUES9 and QUES6 TO QUES3 are invalid.

After a set of variables has been defined with DATA LIST or another command with this method, the same set can be referenced on later commands using the same syntax.