


       swpackage -- Package a software distribution.


       swpackage  [-p]  [-s psf_file]  [-f file] [-x option=value] \
       [-X options_file] [-W option] [software_selections] [@targets]


       swpackage reads a Product Specification File (PSF) and writes a distri-
       bution to the specified target.  If no options are given a PSF is  read
       on  stdin  and a distribution is written to the default target either a
       directory, device, or standard output.  To specify standard output  use
       a dash '-' as the target.  This implementation only supports writing to


              Refer to the software objects (products, filesets) on  which  to
              be operated. (Not yet implemented)

              Refers  to the software_collection where the software selections
              are to be applied.  To specify standard output use a  dash  '-',
              this  overrides media_type setting to 'serial'.  Target may be a
              file system directory, or device  file  or  '-'  Currently  this
              implementation only supports a serial archive written to stdout.

       -f FILE
              Reads software_selections from FILE. (Not implemented).

              Preview the  package.   Perform  all  the  packaging  operations
              except writing the target.  In verbose level 1, nothing is writ-
              ten.  Higher verbose levels write information on stdout.   Error
              and  warning messages are written to stderr for verbose levels 1
              and higher.

       -s PSF
              Specify the PSF file, "-" is standard input.

       -x option=value
              Specify the extended option overriding the defaults file  value.

       -X FILE
              Specify  the  extended  options  filename, FILE,  overriding the
              default filenames.  This option may be given more then once.  If
              the resulting specified value is an empty string then reading of
              any options file is disabled.

              (Implementation extension.) Given one time it is identical to -x
              verbose=2.   This  option  can  be  given  multiple  times  with
              increasing effect.
                   level 0: silent on stdout and stderr (not implemented).
                   level 1: fatal and warning messages.
              -v   level 2: level 1 plus file list and trailer message.
              -vv  level 3: level 2 verbose tar-like listing.
              -vvv level 4: level 3 extra verbose tar listing.

       -b BYTES
              Set blocksize to BYTES number of bytes (octets).  The default is
              10240.  (implementation extension)

       --version, -V
              Show version. (Implementation extension)

              Show help (Implementation extension)

       -W option[,option,...]
              Specify the implementation extension option.
              Syntax: -W option[=option_argument[,option...]
              Options  may be separated by a comma.  The implementation exten-
              sion options may also be given individually using  the  '--long-
              option[=option_arg]' syntax.

       -W cksum
              Compute posix cksum of the individual files.

       -W file-digests -W digests
              Compute  md5  digests  of  the individual files.  (-W digests is
              deprecated, use -W file-digests).

       -W files
              Store the distribution file list in .../dfiles/files.

       -W dir=NAME
              Use NAME as the path name prefix of a distribution and  also  as
              the  value  of  the distribution.control_directory and distribu-
              tion.tag attribute (if not set).  May be set to an empty  string
              to eliminate stray leading "./".

       -W sign
              Compute  the md5sum, sha1sum and adjunct_md5sum digests and sign
              the package.

       -W dummy-sign
              Same as -W sign except use a dummy signature.  The  signer  pro-
              gram is not run and no password is required.

       -W signer-pgm=SIGNER
              Recognized  SIGNERs  are  GPG,  PGP2.6, and PGP5.  swverify only
              supports GPG, however, other  types  can  be  verified  manually
              using the options of swverify and command line utilities.

       -W archive-digests
              Compute  the  md5sum,  sha1sum  and adjunct_md5sum digests.  See
              sw(5) for info on the digest and signed data input  files.   The
              sha1sum and md5sum attributes have identical input streams.

       -W no-sha1
              Do  not  compute  the  sha1  digest even if directed to by other
              options.  (Deprecated: There  is  limited  reason  to  use  this

       -W signed-file
              Write  only  the  signed data to the specified target but do not
              sign.  (Deprecated: There is limited reason to use this option).

       -W gpg-name=NAME
              Use NAME as the user ID to sign.  NAME becomes the option arg of
              the gpg --local-user option.

       -W gpg-path=PATH
              Use PATH as the gpg homedir.

       -W gzip
              Not implemented.

       -W bzip2
              Not implemented.

       -W source=FILE
              Use serial archive located at FILE as the source instead of  the
              file  system.   The files referred by the PSF are taken from the
              serial archive and not the file system.

       -W numeric-owner
              Same as GNU tar option.  Emitted archive has only uid and  gids.

       -W absolute-names
              Same  as  GNU tar option.  Leading slash '/' are always stripped
              unless this option is given.

       -W format=FORMAT
              FORMAT is one of:

               ustar   is the POSIX.1 tar format capable of storing
                       pathnames up to 255 characters in length.
                       Identical to GNU tar 1.15.1 --format=ustar
                       This is the default format but may be changed by
                       the options files.
               ustar0  is a different POSIX.1 tar personality.
                       Identical to GNU tar 1.13.25 --posix -b1 for 99 char pathnames
                       Has different rendering of device numbers for non-device files,
                       but otherwise identical to 'ustar'
               gnu     Identical to GNU tar version 1.15.1 --format=gnu
               oldgnu  Identical to GNU tar version 1.13 and later with
                           block size set to 1. i.e. with option -b1.
                       Also identical to GNU tar 1.15.1 --format=oldgnu
               gnutar  same as oldgnu, oldgnu preferred.
               pax     Extended header tar (Not implemented).
               odc     Posix.1 cpio (magic 070707).
               newc    cpio format (magic 070701).
               crc     cpio format (magic 070702).
               bsdpax3 Identical to pax v3.0, ustar format with option -b 512.

       -W create-time=TIME
              Applies to catalog files and the create_time attribute.  TIME is
              the  seconds  since the Unix Epoch.  You must use this option to
              make output reproducible by different invocations.

       -W list-psf
              Write the PSF to stdout after having processed the extended def-

       -W unrpm
              Same as -W 2posixformat

       -W 2posixformat
              Read  a  package  on standard input and write a POSIX package on
              standard output.  Requires the Supported formats  are  any  sup-
              ported format of lxpsf.  Identical to:
              /swbis/lxpsf --psf-form2 -H ustar | swpackage -Wsource=- -s@PSF

       -W passphrase-fd=N
              Read the passphrase on file descriptor N.

       -W passfile=FILE
              Read  the passphrase from FILE in the file system.  Setting FILE
              to /dev/tty resets (i.e unsets) all passphrase directives,  thus
              establishing the default action, reading from the terminal.

       -W dir-owner=OWNER
              Set  the owner of the leading directory archive member to OWNER.
              If the option arg is "", then the owner is the owner of the cur-
              rent directory.

       -W dir-group=OWNER
              Set  the group of the leading directory archive member to OWNER.
              If the option arg is "", then the owner is the owner of the cur-
              rent directory.

       -W dir-modep=MODE
              Set  the  file permissions mode of the leading directory archive
              member to MODE.

       -W catalog-owner=OWNER
              Set the owner of the catalog section to OWNER.

       -W catalog-group=GROUP
              Set the group of the catalog section to GROUP.

       -W files-from=NAME
              Read a list of  files  from  file  NAME.   Directories  are  not
              descended recursively.

       -W show-options-files
              Show the complete list of options files and if they are found.

       -W show-options
              Show the options after reading the files and parsing the command
              line options.

       -W no-catalog
              Do not write the catalog section.

       -W no-front-dir
              Do not write the directory archive members that preceed the cat-
              alog section.


       These  extended  options can be specified on the command line using the
       -x option or from the defaults file, swdefaults.

       Shown below is an actual portion of a defaults file which show  default
       values.   These options are set in the /usr/lib/swbis/swdefaults or the
       ~/.swdefaults file.

       swpackage.distribution_target_directory  = /var/spool/sw   # Not used
       swpackage.distribution_target_serial     = -        # Not used
       swpackage.enforce_dsa                    = false    # Not used
       swpackage.follow_symlinks                = false    # Not used
       swpackage.logfile          = /var/lib/swbis/swpackage.log   # Not used
       swpackage.loglevel                       = 1         # Not used
       swpackage.media_capacity                 = 0         # Not used
       swpackage.media_type                     = serial    # Not used
       swpackage.psf_source_file                = -         # Not used
       swpackage.software                       =           # Not used
       swpackage.verbose                        = 1         # May be 1 2 or 3

   Swbis Implementation
       These extended options can be specified on the command line using -Wop-
       tion=optionarg or --option=optionarg syntax.

       These  options  are  set  in  the  /usr/lib/swbis/swbisdefaults  or the
       ~/.swbis/swbisdefaults file.

       swpackage.swbis_cksum                    = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_file_digests             = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_files                    = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_sign                     = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_archive_digests          = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_gpg_name                 = ""
       swpackage.swbis_gpg_path                 = "~/.gnupg"
       swpackage.swbis_gzip                     = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_bzip2                    = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_numeric_owner            = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_absolute_names           = "false"   # true or false
       swpackage.swbis_format                   = "ustar"  # gnutar or ustar
       swpackage.swbis_signer_pgm               = "GPG" # GPG or PGP5 or PGP2.6


       Support for embedded cryptographic signature.

       Package signing is accomplished by including, as a package attribute, a
       detached  signature in the package metadata (the catalog section of the
       package).  The signed data is the catalog section of the  package  (see
       sw(5)  for  a description) excluding the signature files archive header
       and data.  The package leading directory  that  does  not  contain  the
       /catalog/  directory  in its name is not included in the signed stream.
       The signed stream is terminated by two (2) null tar blocks  (which  are
       not  in  the actual package file).  The storage section (or payload) of
       the package is included in the signed data by  computing  its  md5  and
       sha1  message  digests  and  storing these as attributes in the catalog

   Signature Generation
       The signature is generated by the file system  signing  utility.   Cur-
       rently,  swpackage  supports GPG PGP-2.6 and PGP-5.  The default is GPG
       but can be selected using the -Wsigner-pgm command line option and  the
       swpackage.swbis_signer_pgm  defaults file option.  The options and pro-
       gram can the displayed with the -Wshow-signer-pgm option.  The  options
       in  each  case produce a detached ascii-armored signature.  The maximum
       length for the ascii armored file is 1023 bytes.

   Passphrase Handling
       The passphrase is read by the swpackage utility from the  process  con-
       trolling terminal or stdin if there is no controlling terminal.  A sep-
       arate dedicated process reads the passphrase which may  be  up  to  239
       characters in length.  It is immediately written into a Unix pipe, read
       by the signer program on file descriptor three (fd=3), its memory loca-
       tion wiped, and the dedicated process exited.


       swpackage  does  not perform verification of the embedded cryptographic
       signature, although, a description is included here for completness.

       Verification requires verifying the payload section md5 and  sha1  mes-
       sage  digests  and  then  verifying  the  signature.   Naturally, it is
       required that the signed data include  the  payload  messages  digests.
       See swverify.

   Manual Verification
       Verification  requires re-creating the signed and digested byte streams
       from the archive file.  This is not possible using any known extant tar
       reading  utility because of a lack of ability to write selected archive
       members to stdout instead of installing in the  file  system;  however,
       the swverify utility can be used to write these bytes streams to stdout
       allowing manual inspection and verification.  See swverify.

   Manual Verification Using Standard Tools
       Verification using standard GNU/Linux tools is possible if the  archive
       is installed in the file system.  Success depends on the following fac-

       1) The tar utility preserves modification times
          (e.g. not GNU tar 1.3.19).
       2) The archive does not contain Symbolic Links
          (see sw(5) for explanation).
       3) The file system is a Unix file system (e.g. ext2).
       4) The package was created using -Wformat=gnutar or, -Wformat=ustar
          with no file name longer than 99 octets.

        Recreating the signed and digested byte streams is  then  accomplished
       using   GNU   tar   and  the  file  list  stored  in  the  <path>/cata-
       log/dfiles/files attribute file as follows:

       In this example, the package has a  single  path  name  prefix  called,
       namedir  and  the  file  owner/group  are root.  These restrictions are
       suited to source packages.
       Verify the signature:

         tar cf - -b1 --owner=root --group=root \
         --exclude=namedir/catalog/dfiles/signature  \
         namedir/catalog | gpg --verify namedir/catalog/dfiles/signature -

        If this fails try using GNU tar option --posix.  If  this  fails  then
       you are out of luck as nothing in the catalog section can be trusted.

       Verify the payload digests:

         grep -v namedir/catalog  namedir/catalog/dfiles/files | \
         tar cf - -b1 --owner=root --group=root \
         --files-from=- --no-recursion | md5sum
         cat namedir/catalog/dfiles/md5sum

        Likewise for the sha1 digest.

       If the package has symbolic links, Verify the adjunct_md5sum:

         grep -v namedir/catalog  namedir/catalog/dfiles/files | \
         ( while read file; do if [ ! -h $file ]; then echo $file; fi done; )|\
         tar cf - -b1 --owner=root --group=root \
         --files-from=- --no-recursion | md5sum
         cat namedir/catalog/dfiles/adjunct_md5sum

        The  symbolic link files must be verified manually by comparing to the
       INFO file information.


       The output format is either one of two  formats  specified  in  POSIX.1
       (ISO/IEC  9945-1)  which  are  tar (header magic=ustar) or cpio (header
       magic=070707).  The default  format  of  the  swbis  implementation  is
       "ustar".   The  POSIX  spec under specifies definitions for some of the
       ustar header fields.  The personality of the default swbis ustar format
       mimics  GNU tar 1.15.1 and is designed to be compliant to POSIX.1.  The
       personality of the "ustar0" format mimics, for pathnames less  than  99
       octets,   GNU  tar  1.13.25 using the "-b1 --posix" options.  This bit-
       for-bit sameness does not exist for pathnames greater than 99 chars  as
       swbis  follows  the  POSIX  spec  and  GNU  tar  1.13.25 does not.  The
       "ustar0" ustar personality is deprecated.  It is only slightly  differ-
       ent  from  'ustar' in how device number fields are filled (with spaces,
       zeros or NULs) for non-device files.

       In addition the swbis implementation supports several other  tar  vari-
       ants  including bit-for-bit mimicry of GNU tar (1.13.25) default format
       which uses a non-standard name split and file type  (type  'L').   This
       format is known as '--format=oldgnu'.  Also supported is the gnu format
       of GNU tar 1.15.1 specified by '--format=gnu'

       The defacto cpio formats are also supported.   "new  ASCII"  (sometimes
       called SVR4 cpio) and "crc" cpio formats with header magic "070701" and
       "070702" respectively.

       Support for "pax Interchange Format" (Extended header tar) described in
       IEEE 1003.1-2001 under the "pax" manual page is planned.

       The  entirety  of  the output byte stream is a single valid file of one
       the formats mentioned above.

       The swbis implementation writes its output to stdout.  The default out-
       put block size is 10240 bytes.  The last block is not padded and there-
       fore the last write(2) may be a short write.  The selected  block  size
       does not affect the output file contents.

       The  swbis implementation is biased, in terms of capability and default
       settings, to the tar format.  Package signing is only supported in  tar


       The  input file is called a product specification file or PSF.  It con-
       tains information to direct swpackage and information that  is  package
       meta-data  [that  is merely transferred unchanged into the global INDEX

       A PSF may contain object keywords, attributes (keyword/value pairs) and
       Extended  Definitions  (described below).  An object keyword connotes a
       logical object (i.e. software structure) supported by the standard.  An
       object  keyword  does  not  have a value field after it, as it contains
       Attributes and Extended Definitions.  An attribute keyword  conotes  an
       attribute which is always in the form of a keyword/value pair.

       Attribute  keywords  not recognized by the standard are allowed and are
       transferred into the INDEX file.  Object keywords not recognized by the
       standard  are not allowed and will generate an error.  Extended Defini-
       tions may only appear in a PSF (never in a INDEX  or  INFO  created  by
       swpackage).   Extended  Definitions  are translated [by swpackage] into
       object keywords (objects) and attributes recognized by the standard.

       Comments in a PSF are not transferred into the INDEX file by the  swbis
       implementation of swpackage.

       The  file  syntax is the same as a INDEX, or INFO file.  A PSF may con-
       tain all objects defined by the standard as well  as  extended  defini-

       For additional information see
       XDSA C701 http://www.opengroup.org/publications/catalog/c701.htm, or
       sw manual page.

       A  Product Specification File (PSF) can contain Extended Definitions in
       the fileset, product or bundle software definitions.  They  would  have
       the  same  level  or containment relationship as a file or control_file
       definition in the same contaning object.

       Extended Definitions represent a minimal, expressive form for  specify-
       ing  files and file attributes.  Their use in a PSF is optional in that
       an equivalent PSF can be constructed without using them, however, their
       use is encouraged for the sake of brevity and orthogonality.

       The  swbis implementation requires that no [ordinary] attributes appear
       after Extended Definitions in the containing object, and, requires that
       Extended  Definitions  appear before logically contained objects.  That
       is, the parser uses the next object keyword to  syntacticly  and  logi-
       cally terminate the current object even if the current object has logi-
       cally contained objects.

   o  Extended Control File Definitions
            checkinstall  source  [path]
            preinstall    source  [path]
            postinstall   source  [path]
            verify        source  [path]
            fix           source  [path]
            checkremove   source  [path]
            preremove     source  [path]
            postremove    source  [path]
            configure     source  [path]
            unconfigure   source  [path]
            request       source  [path]
            unpreinstall  source  [path]
            unpostinstall source  [path]
            space         source  [path]
            control_file  source  [path]

       The source attribute defines the location in distributors's development
       system  where  the swpackage utility will find the script.  The keyword
       is the value of the tag attribute and tells the utilities when to  exe-
       cute the script.  The path attribute is optional and specifies the file
       name in the packages distribution relative to the control_directory for
       software  containing  the script. If not given the tag value is used as
       the filename.

   o  Directory Mapping
          directory  source  [destination]

       Applies the source attribute as the directory under  which  the  subse-
       quently listed files are located.  If destination is defined it will be
       used as a prefix to the path (implied) file definition.  source is typ-
       ically  a  temporary or build location and dest is its unrealized abso-
       lute pathname destination.

   o  Recursive File Definition
         file *

       Specifies every  file  in  current  source  directory.   The  directory
       extended definition must be used before the recursive specification.

   o  Explicit File Definition
         file [-t type] [-m mode] [-o owner[,uid]] [-g group[,gid]] [-n] [-v] source [path]


              source defines the pathname of the file to be used as the source
              of file data and/or attributes.  If it is a relative path,  then
              swpackage  searches  for  this  file  relative to the the source
              argument of the directory keyword, if set.  If directory keyword
              is  not  set  then the search is relative to the current working
              directory of the swpackage utility's invocation.

              All attributes for the  destination  file  are  taken  from  the
              source file, unless a file_permissions keyword is active, or the
              -m, -o, or -g options are also included in the  file  specifica-


              path defines the destination path where the file will be created
              or installed.  If it is a relative path,  then  the  destination
              path  of the of the directory keyword must be active and will be
              used as the path prefix.  If path is not specified  then  source
              is  used  as the value of path and directory mapping applied (if

       -t type

              type may one of 'd' (directory), or  'h'  (hard  link),  or  's'
              (symbolic link).

              -t d  Create a directory.
              If path is not specified source is used as the path attribute.

              -t h  Create a hard link.
              path  and  source are specified.  source is used as the value of
              the link_source attribute, and path is the  value  of  the  path

              -t s  Create a symbolic link.
              path  and  source are specified.  source is used as the value of
              the link_source attribute, and path is the  value  of  the  path

       -m mode

              mode defines the octal mode for the file.

   o  Default Permission Definition
         file_permissions [-m mode] [-u umask] [-o [owner[,]][uid]] [-g [group[,]][gid]]

       Applies  to  subsequently  listed file definitions in a fileset.  These
       attributes will apply where the  file  attributes  were  not  specified
       explicitly  in  a file definition.  Subsequent file_permissions defini-
       tions simply replace previous definitions (resetting all the  options).

       To  reset  the  file_permission state (i.e. turn it off) use one of the
           file_permissions ""
            or the preferred way is
           file_permissions -u 000

   o  Excluding Files
          exclude source

       Excludes a previously included file or an entire directory.

   o  Including Files
          include <filename

       The contents of filename may be more definitions for files.  The syntax
       of the included file is PSF syntax.

       This  section  describes attribute usage and conventions imposed by the
       swbis implementation.  Not all attributes are listed here.  Those  that
       are have important effects or particular interest.

   o Distribution Attributes
       The  standard  defines a limited set of attributes for the distribution
       object.  An expanded set is suggested by the informative annex  however
       a  conforming  implementation  is not required act on them.  The reason
       for this is a distribution may be acted upon by a conforming utility in
       such  a  way  that  attributes of the distribution become invalid.  For
       this reason, some attributes that refer  to  an  entire  "package"  [in
       other package managers] are referred from the product object and attain
       their broadened scope by the distributor's convention that  their  dis-
       tribution contains just one product.

       For example, the package NAME and VERSION are referred from the product
       tag and revision, not the  distribution's.   This  convention  supports
       multiple  products  in  a distribution and is consistent with the stan-


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name  of  the  distribu-
              tion.   Providing  a  distribution  tag  is optional.  The swbis
              implementation will use this as the [single] path name prefix if
              there is no distribution.control_directory attribute.  A distri-
              bution tag attribute and swpackage's response to it is an imple-
              mentation  extension.  The leading package path can also be con-
              trolled with the ''-W dir'' option.


              control_directory, in a distribution  object,  is  the  constant
              leading  package path.  Providing this attribute is optional.  A
              distribution   control_directory   attribute   and   swpackage's
              response  to  it  is  an  implementation extension.  The leading
              package path can also be controlled with the ''-W dir''  option.
              This  attribute  will  be generated by swpackage if not set in a

   o Bundle Attributes
       A bundle defines a collection of products whether or not the  distribu-
       tion has all the products present.


              tag  is  the  short,  file  system friendly, name of the bundle.
              This value is used by the swbis implementation as  a  path  name
              component  in  the  installed  software  catalog.   If it is not
              present the product tag is used.

   o Product Attributes
       A product defines the software product.


              tag is the short, file system friendly,  name  of  the  product.
              This  value  is  used by the swbis implementation as a path name
              component in the installed software catalog.   It  is  required.
              The  swbis  implementation uses it in a way that is analogous to
              the RPMTAG_NAME attribute.


              Is the directory name in the distribution under which the  prod-
              uct  contents  are  located.   This  value  has no affect on the
              installed software catalog.  If it is not given in  a  PSF  then
              the tag is used.


              Is  the  product  revision.   It  should not contain a "RELEASE"
              attribute part or other version suffix modifiers.  This value is
              used by the swbis implementation as a path name component in the
              installed software catalog.  It is required by swinstall.


              This is a short identifying name of the  distributor  that  sup-
              plied  the  product  and  associates  the vendor object from the
              INDEX file.  This attribute is optional.  This  attribute  value
              should strive to be unique among all distributors.  It is one of
              the version distinguishing attributes of a product specified  by
              the standard.  It is transfered into the installed_software cat-
              alog (not as a path  name  component)  by  swinstall.   If  this
              attribute exists there should also be a vendor object in the PSF
              in the distribution object that has this tag.  This attribute is
              assigned the value of RPMTAG_RELEASE by swpackage when translat-
              ing an RPM.  In this capacity it serves to distinguish  products
              with  the  same revision and tag from the same or different dis-
              tributor.   It  most  closely  maps  to  the  RPMTAG_RELEASE  or
              "debian_revision" attributes.

   o Fileset Attributes
       A fileset defines the fileset.


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name of the fileset.  It
              is required.


              Is the directory name in the product  under  which  the  fileset
              contents are located.  This value has no affect on the installed
              software catalog.  If it is not given in a PSF then the  tag  is

   o Example Source Package PSF
       This  PSF packages every file is current directory. It uses nil control
       directories so the package structure does  not  change  relative  to  a
       vanilla tarball.

          description "fooit - a program from fooware
       that does everything."
          title "fooit - a really cool program"
          COPYING < /usr/local/fooware/legalstuff/COPYING
          the_term_vendor_is_misleading false
          tag fooware
          title fooware Consultancy Services, Inc.
          description ""
          the_term_vendor_is_misleading true
          tag myfixes1
          title Bug fixes, Set 1
          description "a place for more detailed description"
          tag fooit
          control_directory ""
          revision 1.0
          vendor_tag myfixes1  # Matches the vendor object above
           tag fooit-SOURCE
           control_directory ""
           directory .
           file *
           exclude catalog

   o Example Runtime (Binary) Package PSF
       This  is a sample PSF for a runtime package.  It implies multiple prod-
       ucts (e.g. sub-packages) using the  bundle.contents  attribute.   Since
       the  bundle  and product tags exist in a un-regulated namespace and are
       seen by end users they should be carefully chosen.   Note that the bun-
       dle  and  product have the same tag which may force downstream users to
       disambiguate using software selection  syntax  such  as  fooit,bv=*  or
       fooit,pv=* .

          description "fooit - a program from fooware
       that does everything."
          title "fooit - a really cool program"
          COPYING < /usr/local/fooware/legalstuff/COPYING

               the_term_vendor_is_misleading false
               tag fooware
               title fooware Consultancy Services, Inc.
               description "Provider of the programs
        that do everything"

               the_term_vendor_is_misleading true
                tag fw0
                title fooware fixes
                description "More fixes from the fooware users"

       #  Bundle definition:  Use a bundle
                tag fooit
                vendor_tag fooware
                contents fooit,v=fw0 fooit-devel fooit-doc

       #  Product definition:
                tag fooit   # This is the package name
                revision 1.0 # This is the package version
                vendor_tag fw0 # This is a release name e.g. RPMTAG_RELEASE
                postinstall scripts/postinstall
                 tag fooit-RUN
                 file doc/man/man1/fooit.1 /usr/man/man1/fooit.1
                 file src/fooit /usr/bin/fooit


       This section shows several example PSF files.

   o   A minimal PSF to package all files in current directory.
          tag prod
          control_directory ""
          revision 1.0
           tag files
           control_directory ""
           directory .
           file *

   o   A PSF that uses directory mapping.
       This  PSF  creates a package with live system paths from source that is
       installed in non-live temporary locations. It is modeled on  the  swbis
       source package.

          tag somepackage  # this is the package name
          control_directory ""
          revision 1.0  # this is the package revision
           tag files
           control_directory ""

           file_permissions -o root -g root
           directory swprogs /usr/bin
           file swpackage
           file swinstall
           file swverify

           file -m 755 -o root -g root / /usr/libexec/swbis

           directory swprogs /usr/libexec/swbis
           file swbisparse

           directory swsupplib/progs /usr/libexec/swbis
           file swbistar

           file -m 755 -o root -g root / /usr/share/doc/swbis
           directory . /usr/share/doc/swbis
           file -m 444 ./README
           file -m 444 CHANGES

       When this PSF is processed by the command:

                   swpackage -Wsign -s - @- | tar tvf -

       It produces the following:

        drwxr-x--- root/root      0 2003-06-03 ... catalog/
        -rw-r----- root/root    307 2003-06-03 ... catalog/INDEX
        drwxr-x--- root/root      0 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/
        -rw-r----- root/root     65 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/INFO
        -rw-r----- root/root     33 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/md5sum
        -rw-r----- root/root     41 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/sha1sum
        -rw-r----- root/root     33 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/adjunct_md5sum
        -rw-r----- root/root    512 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/sig_header
        -rw-r----- root/root   1024 2003-06-03 ... catalog/dfiles/signature
        drwxr-x--- root/root      0 2003-06-03 ... catalog/pfiles/
        -rw-r----- root/root     65 2003-06-03 ... catalog/pfiles/INFO
        -rw-r----- root/root   1503 2003-06-03 ... catalog/INFO
        -rwxr-xr-x root/root 510787 2003-06-03 ... usr/bin/swpackage
        -rwxr-xr-x root/root 301255 2003-06-03 ... usr/bin/swinstall
        -rwxr-xr-x root/root   4105 2003-06-03 ... usr/bin/swverify
        drwxr-xr-x root/root      0 2003-06-03 ... usr/libexec/swbis/
        -rwxr-xr-x root/root 365105 2003-06-03 ... usr/libexec/swbis/swbisparse
        -rwxr-xr-x root/root 243190 2003-06-03 ... usr/libexec/swbis/swbistar
        drwxr-xr-x root/root      0 2003-06-03 ... usr/share/doc/swbis/
        -r--r--r-- root/root   8654 2003-05-27 ... usr/share/doc/swbis/README
        -r--r--r-- root/root  10952 2003-06-03 ... usr/share/doc/swbis/CHANGES

   o   Create a PSF from a list of files.
                  find . -print |  swpackage -Wfiles-from=- -Wlist-psf


       0  on success, 1 on error and target medium not modified, 2 on error if
       target medium modified.


        No temporary files are used in the package generation  process.   When
       using  the  default target of stdout (directed to /dev/null), there are
       no file system side effects from swpackage.  GNU  Privacy  Guard  (gpg)
       may alter its keys when invoked for package signing.


              Sets  the --passphrase-fd option.  Set the option arg to a inte-
              ger value of the file  descriptor,  or  to  "env"  to  read  the
              passphrase from the environment variable SWPACKAGEPASSPHRASE, or
              to "agent" to cause gpg to use gpg-agent, or to "tty" to restore
              default behavoir to reading passphrase from the terminal.

              Use  the  value  as  the passphrase if --passphrase-fd is set to

              Sets the --gpg-home option.

              Sets the --gpg-name option, which is turn set  the  --local-user
              option of gpg.


       Swpackage  does  not  use any archive writing utilities, it has its own
       code to generate archives.
       Package signing uses one of the following:
        /usr/bin/pgp   (PGP 2.6.x)
        /usr/bin/pgps  (PGP 5)

       Swpackage will use /usr/bin/uuidgen if present to create the uuid.




       ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999, Open Group CAE C701.


       info swbis

       sw(5), swpackage(5), swbisparse(1), swign(1), swverify(8)


        swpackage(8): The packaging utility of the swbis project.
        Author: Jim Lowe   Email: jhlowe at acm.org
        Version: 0.499
        Last Updated: 2006-07-01
        Copying: GNU Free Documentation License


       A comment after an object keyword is wrongly not allowed  by  this  PSF
       parser.  The --dir="" does not do what one would expect sometimes.  The
       output stream content is unaffected by the blocksize, that is the  last
       write  may be short write.  Signing is broken for cpio format archives.


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