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6.63 Exception

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Exceptions
An Exception defines the characteristics of an exceptional event in a different way than CoreExceptions. Instead of creating an hierarchy of objects and setting attributes of the objects, you create an hierarchy of classes and override methods in those classes; instances of those classes are passed to the handlers instead of instances of the common class Signal.

Internally, Exception and every subclass of it hold onto a CoreException, so the two mechanisms are actually interchangeable.

6.63.1 Exception class: comparison  (class)
6.63.2 Exception class: creating ExceptionCollections  (class)
6.63.3 Exception class: initialization  (class)
6.63.4 Exception class: instance creation  (class)
6.63.5 Exception class: interoperability with TrappableEvents  (class)
6.63.6 Exception: comparison  (instance)
6.63.7 Exception: exception description  (instance)
6.63.8 Exception: exception signaling  (instance)

6.63.1 Exception class: comparison

handles: anException
Answer whether the receiver handles `anException'.

6.63.2 Exception class: creating ExceptionCollections

, aTrappableEvent
Answer an ExceptionCollection containing all the exceptions in the receiver and all the exceptions in aTrappableEvent

6.63.3 Exception class: initialization

Initialize the `links' between the core exception handling system and the ANSI exception handling system.

6.63.4 Exception class: instance creation

Create an instance of the receiver, which you will be able to signal later.

Create an instance of the receiver, give it default attributes, and signal it immediately.

signal: messageText
Create an instance of the receiver, set its message text, and signal it immediately.

6.63.5 Exception class: interoperability with TrappableEvents

allExceptionsDo: aBlock
Private - Pass the coreException to aBlock

Private - Answer the coreException which represents instances of the receiver

whenSignalledIn: onDoBlock do: handlerBlock exitBlock: exitBlock
Private - Create an ExceptionHandler from the arguments and register it

6.63.6 Exception: comparison

= anObject
Answer whether the receiver is equal to anObject. This is true if either the receiver or its coreException are the same object as anObject.

Answer an hash value for the receiver.

6.63.7 Exception: exception description

Execute the default action that is attached to the receiver.

Answer a textual description of the exception.

Answer true. Exceptions are by default resumable.

6.63.8 Exception: exception signaling

Raise the exceptional event represented by the receiver

signal: messageText
Raise the exceptional event represented by the receiver, setting its message text to messageText.

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