Table of Contents
1. Installation
1.1 Compiling
1.2 Including
Smalltalk in your programs (legal information)
2. Using
2.1 Command line arguments
2.2 Startup sequence
2.3 Syntax of
2.4 Running the test suite
3. Features of
3.1 Memory accessing methods
3.2 Namespaces
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Concepts
3.2.3 Syntax
3.2.4 Implementation
3.2.5 Using namespaces
3.3 Disk file-IO primitive messages
3.4 The
Smalltalk ObjectDumper
3.5 Special kinds of object
3.6 The context unwinding system
3.7 Packages
3.7.1 Blox
3.7.2 The Smalltalk-in-Smalltalk compiler
3.7.3 Dynamic loading through the DLD package
3.7.4 Internationalization and localization support
3.7.5 The SUnit testing package Where should you start? How do you represent a single unit of testing? How do you test for expected results? How do you collect and run many different test cases?
3.7.6 TCP, WebServer, NetworkSupport
3.7.7 An XML parser and object model for
3.7.8 Minor packages
4. Interoperability between C and
4.1 Linking your libraries to the virtual machine
4.2 Using the C callout mechanism
4.3 The C data type manipulation system
4.4 Manipulating Smalltalk data from C
4.5 Calls from C to Smalltalk
4.6 Other functions available to modules
4.7 Manipulating instances of your own Smalltalk classes from C
4.8 Using the Smalltalk environment as an extension library
4.9 Incubator support
5. Tutorial
5.1 Getting started
5.1.1 Starting up Smalltalk
5.1.2 Saying hello
5.1.3 What actually happened
5.1.4 Doing math
5.1.5 Math in Smalltalk
5.2 Using some of the Smalltalk classes
5.2.1 An array in Smalltalk
5.2.2 A set in Smalltalk
5.2.3 Dictionaries
5.2.4 Smalltalk dictionary
5.2.5 Closing thoughts
5.3 The Smalltalk class hierarchy
5.3.1 Class
5.3.2 Animals
5.3.3 The bottom line of the class hierarchy
5.4 Creating a new class of objects
5.4.1 Creating a new class
5.4.2 Documenting the class
5.4.3 Defining a method for the class
5.4.4 Defining an instance method
5.4.5 Looking at our Account
5.4.6 Moving money around
5.4.7 What's next?
5.5 Two Subclasses for the Account Class
5.5.1 The Savings class
5.5.2 The Checking class
5.5.3 Writing checks
5.6 Code blocks
5.6.1 Conditions and decision making
5.6.2 Iteration and collections
5.7 Code blocks, part two
5.7.1 Integer loops
5.7.2 Intervals
5.7.3 Invoking code blocks
5.8 When Things Go Bad
5.8.1 A Simple Error
5.8.2 Nested Calls
5.8.3 Looking at Objects
5.9 Coexisting in the Class Hierarchy
5.9.1 The Existing Class Hierarchy
5.9.2 Playing with Arrays
5.9.3 Adding a New Kind of Number
5.9.4 Inheritance and Polymorphism
5.10 Smalltalk Streams
5.10.1 The Output Stream
5.10.2 Your Own Stream
5.10.3 Files
5.10.4 Dynamic Strings
5.11 Some nice stuff from the Smalltalk innards
5.11.1 How Arrays Work
5.11.2 Two flavors of equality
5.11.3 The truth about metaclasses
5.11.4 The truth of Smalltalk performance
5.12 Some final words
5.13 A Simple Overview of Smalltalk Syntax
6. Class reference
6.1 AlternativeObjectProxy
6.1.1 AlternativeObjectProxy class: instance creation
6.1.2 AlternativeObjectProxy: accessing
6.2 ArithmeticError
6.2.1 ArithmeticError: description
6.3 Array
6.3.1 Array: mutating objects
6.3.2 Array: printing
6.3.3 Array: testing
6.4 ArrayedCollection
6.4.1 ArrayedCollection class: instance creation
6.4.2 ArrayedCollection: basic
6.4.3 ArrayedCollection: built ins
6.4.4 ArrayedCollection: copying Collections
6.4.5 ArrayedCollection: enumerating the elements of a collection
6.4.6 ArrayedCollection: storing
6.5 Association
6.5.1 Association class: basic
6.5.2 Association: accessing
6.5.3 Association: printing
6.5.4 Association: storing
6.5.5 Association: testing
6.6 Autoload
6.6.1 Autoload class: instance creation
6.6.2 Autoload: accessing
6.7 Bag
6.7.1 Bag class: basic
6.7.2 Bag: Adding to a collection
6.7.3 Bag: enumerating the elements of a collection
6.7.4 Bag: extracting items
6.7.5 Bag: printing
6.7.6 Bag: Removing from a collection
6.7.7 Bag: storing
6.7.8 Bag: testing collections
6.8 Behavior
6.8.1 Behavior class: C interface
6.8.2 Behavior: accessing class hierarchy
6.8.3 Behavior: accessing instances and variables
6.8.4 Behavior: accessing the methodDictionary
6.8.5 Behavior: browsing
6.8.6 Behavior: built ins
6.8.7 Behavior: compilation (alternative)
6.8.8 Behavior: compiling methods
6.8.9 Behavior: creating a class hierarchy
6.8.10 Behavior: creating method dictionary
6.8.11 Behavior: enumerating
6.8.12 Behavior: evaluating
6.8.13 Behavior: hierarchy browsing
6.8.14 Behavior: instance creation
6.8.15 Behavior: instance variables
6.8.16 Behavior: support for lightweight classes
6.8.17 Behavior: testing the class hierarchy
6.8.18 Behavior: testing the form of the instances
6.8.19 Behavior: testing the method dictionary
6.9 BlockClosure
6.9.1 BlockClosure class: instance creation
6.9.2 BlockClosure class: testing
6.9.3 BlockClosure: accessing
6.9.4 BlockClosure: built ins
6.9.5 BlockClosure: control structures
6.9.6 BlockClosure: exception handling
6.9.7 BlockClosure: multiple process
6.9.8 BlockClosure: overriding
6.9.9 BlockClosure: testing
6.10 BlockContext
6.10.1 BlockContext: accessing
6.10.2 BlockContext: printing
6.11 Boolean
6.11.1 Boolean class: testing
6.11.2 Boolean: basic
6.11.3 Boolean: C hacks
6.11.4 Boolean: overriding
6.11.5 Boolean: storing
6.12 Browser
6.12.1 Browser class: browsing
6.13 ByteArray
6.13.1 ByteArray: built ins
6.13.2 ByteArray: converting
6.13.3 ByteArray: copying
6.13.4 ByteArray: more advanced accessing
6.14 ByteStream
6.14.1 ByteStream: basic
6.15 CAggregate
6.15.1 CAggregate class: accessing
6.15.2 CAggregate: accessing
6.16 CArray
6.16.1 CArray: accessing
6.17 CArrayCType
6.17.1 CArrayCType class: instance creation
6.17.2 CArrayCType: accessing
6.18 CBoolean
6.18.1 CBoolean: accessing
6.19 CByte
6.19.1 CByte class: conversion
6.19.2 CByte: accessing
6.20 CChar
6.20.1 CChar class: accessing
6.20.2 CChar: accessing
6.21 CCompound
6.21.1 CCompound class: instance creation
6.21.2 CCompound class: subclass creation
6.21.3 CCompound: instance creation
6.22 CDouble
6.22.1 CDouble class: accessing
6.22.2 CDouble: accessing
6.23 CFloat
6.23.1 CFloat class: accessing
6.23.2 CFloat: accessing
6.24 CFunctionDescriptor
6.24.1 CFunctionDescriptor class: testing
6.24.2 CFunctionDescriptor: accessing
6.24.3 CFunctionDescriptor: printing
6.25 Character
6.25.1 Character class: built ins
6.25.2 Character class: constants
6.25.3 Character class: initializing lookup tables
6.25.4 Character class: Instance creation
6.25.5 Character class: testing
6.25.6 Character: built ins
6.25.7 Character: Coercion methods
6.25.8 Character: comparing
6.25.9 Character: converting
6.25.10 Character: printing
6.25.11 Character: storing
6.25.12 Character: testing
6.25.13 Character: testing functionality
6.26 CharacterArray
6.26.1 CharacterArray class: basic
6.26.2 CharacterArray: basic
6.26.3 CharacterArray: built ins
6.26.4 CharacterArray: comparing
6.26.5 CharacterArray: converting
6.26.6 CharacterArray: copying
6.26.7 CharacterArray: printing
6.26.8 CharacterArray: storing
6.26.9 CharacterArray: string processing
6.26.10 CharacterArray: testing functionality
6.27 CInt
6.27.1 CInt class: accessing
6.27.2 CInt: accessing
6.28 Class
6.28.1 Class: accessing instances and variables
6.28.2 Class: filing
6.28.3 Class: instance creation
6.28.4 Class: instance creation - alternative
6.28.5 Class: printing
6.28.6 Class: saving and loading
6.28.7 Class: testing
6.28.8 Class: testing functionality
6.29 ClassDescription
6.29.1 ClassDescription: compiling
6.29.2 ClassDescription: conversion
6.29.3 ClassDescription: copying
6.29.4 ClassDescription: filing
6.29.5 ClassDescription: organization of messages and classes
6.29.6 ClassDescription: printing
6.30 CLong
6.30.1 CLong class: accessing
6.30.2 CLong: accessing
6.31 CObject
6.31.1 CObject class: conversion
6.31.2 CObject class: instance creation
6.31.3 CObject: accessing
6.31.4 CObject: C data access
6.31.5 CObject: conversion
6.31.6 CObject: finalization
6.32 Collection
6.32.1 Collection class: instance creation
6.32.2 Collection: Adding to a collection
6.32.3 Collection: converting
6.32.4 Collection: copying Collections
6.32.5 Collection: enumerating the elements of a collection
6.32.6 Collection: printing
6.32.7 Collection: Removing from a collection
6.32.8 Collection: storing
6.32.9 Collection: testing collections
6.33 CompiledBlock
6.33.1 CompiledBlock class: instance creation
6.33.2 CompiledBlock: accessing
6.33.3 CompiledBlock: basic
6.33.4 CompiledBlock: printing
6.33.5 CompiledBlock: saving and loading
6.34 CompiledCode
6.34.1 CompiledCode class: cache flushing
6.34.2 CompiledCode class: instance creation
6.34.3 CompiledCode: accessing
6.34.4 CompiledCode: basic
6.34.5 CompiledCode: copying
6.34.6 CompiledCode: debugging
6.34.7 CompiledCode: printing
6.34.8 CompiledCode: testing accesses
6.34.9 CompiledCode: translation
6.35 CompiledMethod
6.35.1 CompiledMethod class: instance creation
6.35.2 CompiledMethod class: lean images
6.35.3 CompiledMethod: accessing
6.35.4 CompiledMethod: basic
6.35.5 CompiledMethod: printing
6.35.6 CompiledMethod: saving and loading
6.36 ContextPart
6.36.1 ContextPart class: exception handling
6.36.2 ContextPart: accessing
6.36.3 ContextPart: copying
6.36.4 ContextPart: enumerating
6.36.5 ContextPart: exception handling
6.36.6 ContextPart: printing
6.37 CoreException
6.37.1 CoreException class: instance creation
6.37.2 CoreException: accessing
6.37.3 CoreException: basic
6.37.4 CoreException: enumerating
6.37.5 CoreException: exception handling
6.37.6 CoreException: instance creation
6.38 CPtr
6.38.1 CPtr: accessing
6.39 CPtrCType
6.39.1 CPtrCType class: instance creation
6.39.2 CPtrCType: accessing
6.40 CScalar
6.40.1 CScalar class: instance creation
6.40.2 CScalar: accessing
6.41 CScalarCType
6.41.1 CScalarCType: accessing
6.41.2 CScalarCType: storing
6.42 CShort
6.42.1 CShort class: accessing
6.42.2 CShort: accessing
6.43 CSmalltalk
6.43.1 CSmalltalk class: accessing
6.43.2 CSmalltalk: accessing
6.44 CString
6.44.1 CString class: getting info
6.44.2 CString: accessing
6.44.3 CString: pointer like behavior
6.45 CStruct
6.45.1 CStruct class: subclass creation
6.46 CType
6.46.1 CType class: C instance creation
6.46.2 CType: accessing
6.46.3 CType: C instance creation
6.46.4 CType: storing
6.47 CUChar
6.47.1 CUChar class: getting info
6.47.2 CUChar: accessing
6.48 CUInt
6.48.1 CUInt class: accessing
6.48.2 CUInt: accessing
6.49 CULong
6.49.1 CULong class: accessing
6.49.2 CULong: accessing
6.50 CUnion
6.50.1 CUnion class: subclass creation
6.51 CUShort
6.51.1 CUShort class: accessing
6.51.2 CUShort: accessing
6.52 Date
6.52.1 Date class: basic
6.52.2 Date class: instance creation (ANSI)
6.52.3 Date class: instance creation (Blue Book)
6.52.4 Date: basic
6.52.5 Date: compatibility (non-ANSI)
6.52.6 Date: date computations
6.52.7 Date: printing
6.52.8 Date: storing
6.52.9 Date: testing
6.53 DateTime
6.53.1 DateTime class: information
6.53.2 DateTime class: instance creation
6.53.3 DateTime class: instance creation (non-ANSI)
6.53.4 DateTime: basic
6.53.5 DateTime: computations
6.53.6 DateTime: printing
6.53.7 DateTime: splitting in dates & times
6.53.8 DateTime: storing
6.53.9 DateTime: testing
6.53.10 DateTime: time zones
6.54 Delay
6.54.1 Delay class: general inquiries
6.54.2 Delay class: initialization
6.54.3 Delay class: instance creation
6.54.4 Delay: accessing
6.54.5 Delay: comparing
6.54.6 Delay: process delay
6.55 DelayedAdaptor
6.55.1 DelayedAdaptor: accessing
6.56 Dictionary
6.56.1 Dictionary class: instance creation
6.56.2 Dictionary: accessing
6.56.3 Dictionary: awful ST-80 compatibility hacks
6.56.4 Dictionary: dictionary enumerating
6.56.5 Dictionary: dictionary removing
6.56.6 Dictionary: dictionary testing
6.56.7 Dictionary: polymorphism hacks
6.56.8 Dictionary: printing
6.56.9 Dictionary: rehashing
6.56.10 Dictionary: storing
6.56.11 Dictionary: testing
6.57 DirectedMessage
6.57.1 DirectedMessage class: creating instances
6.57.2 DirectedMessage: accessing
6.57.3 DirectedMessage: basic
6.57.4 DirectedMessage: saving and loading
6.58 Directory
6.58.1 Directory class: C functions
6.58.2 Directory class: file name management
6.58.3 Directory class: file operations
6.58.4 Directory class: reading system defaults
6.58.5 Directory: accessing
6.58.6 Directory: C functions
6.58.7 Directory: enumerating
6.59 DLD
6.59.1 DLD class: C functions
6.59.2 DLD class: Dynamic Linking
6.60 DumperProxy
6.60.1 DumperProxy class: accessing
6.60.2 DumperProxy class: instance creation
6.60.3 DumperProxy: saving and restoring
6.61 Duration
6.61.1 Duration class: instance creation
6.61.2 Duration class: instance creation (non ANSI)
6.61.3 Duration: arithmetics
6.62 Error
6.62.1 Error: exception description
6.63 Exception
6.63.1 Exception class: comparison
6.63.2 Exception class: creating ExceptionCollections
6.63.3 Exception class: initialization
6.63.4 Exception class: instance creation
6.63.5 Exception class: interoperability with TrappableEvents
6.63.6 Exception: comparison
6.63.7 Exception: exception description
6.63.8 Exception: exception signaling
6.64 ExceptionSet
6.64.1 ExceptionSet class: instance creation
6.64.2 ExceptionSet: enumerating
6.65 False
6.65.1 False: basic
6.65.2 False: C hacks
6.65.3 False: printing
6.66 File
6.66.1 File class: C functions
6.66.2 File class: file name management
6.66.3 File class: file operations
6.66.4 File class: initialization
6.66.5 File class: instance creation
6.66.6 File class: reading system defaults
6.66.7 File class: testing
6.66.8 File: accessing
6.66.9 File: C functions
6.66.10 File: file name management
6.66.11 File: file operations
6.66.12 File: testing
6.67 FileDescriptor
6.67.1 FileDescriptor class: initialization
6.67.2 FileDescriptor class: instance creation
6.67.3 FileDescriptor: accessing
6.67.4 FileDescriptor: basic
6.67.5 FileDescriptor: built ins
6.67.6 FileDescriptor: class type methods
6.67.7 FileDescriptor: initialize-release
6.67.8 FileDescriptor: low-level access
6.67.9 FileDescriptor: overriding inherited methods
6.67.10 FileDescriptor: printing
6.67.11 FileDescriptor: testing
6.68 FileSegment
6.68.1 FileSegment class: basic
6.68.2 FileSegment class: installing
6.68.3 FileSegment: basic
6.68.4 FileSegment: equality
6.69 FileStream
6.69.1 FileStream class: file-in
6.69.2 FileStream class: standard streams
6.69.3 FileStream: basic
6.69.4 FileStream: buffering
6.69.5 FileStream: filing in
6.69.6 FileStream: overriding inherited methods
6.69.7 FileStream: testing
6.70 Float
6.70.1 Float class: basic
6.70.2 Float class: byte-order dependancies
6.70.3 Float class: converting
6.70.4 Float: arithmetic
6.70.5 Float: built ins
6.70.6 Float: coercing
6.70.7 Float: printing
6.70.8 Float: storing
6.70.9 Float: testing
6.70.10 Float: testing functionality
6.71 Fraction
6.71.1 Fraction class: converting
6.71.2 Fraction class: instance creation
6.71.3 Fraction: accessing
6.71.4 Fraction: arithmetic
6.71.5 Fraction: coercing
6.71.6 Fraction: comparing
6.71.7 Fraction: converting
6.71.8 Fraction: optimized cases
6.71.9 Fraction: printing
6.71.10 Fraction: testing
6.72 Halt
6.72.1 Halt: description
6.73 HashedCollection
6.73.1 HashedCollection class: instance creation
6.73.2 HashedCollection: accessing
6.73.3 HashedCollection: builtins
6.73.4 HashedCollection: copying
6.73.5 HashedCollection: enumerating the elements of a collection
6.73.6 HashedCollection: rehashing
6.73.7 HashedCollection: Removing from a collection
6.73.8 HashedCollection: saving and loading
6.73.9 HashedCollection: storing
6.73.10 HashedCollection: testing collections
6.74 IdentityDictionary
6.75 IdentitySet
6.75.1 IdentitySet: testing
6.76 Integer
6.76.1 Integer class: converting
6.76.2 Integer class: getting limits
6.76.3 Integer class: testing
6.76.4 Integer: accessing
6.76.5 Integer: bit operators
6.76.6 Integer: Coercion methods (heh heh heh)
6.76.7 Integer: converting
6.76.8 Integer: extension
6.76.9 Integer: Math methods
6.76.10 Integer: Misc math operators
6.76.11 Integer: Other iterators
6.76.12 Integer: printing
6.76.13 Integer: storing
6.76.14 Integer: testing functionality
6.77 Interval
6.77.1 Interval class: instance creation
6.77.2 Interval: basic
6.77.3 Interval: printing
6.77.4 Interval: storing
6.77.5 Interval: testing
6.78 LargeArray
6.78.1 LargeArray: overridden
6.79 LargeArrayedCollection
6.79.1 LargeArrayedCollection class: instance creation
6.79.2 LargeArrayedCollection: accessing
6.79.3 LargeArrayedCollection: basic
6.80 LargeArraySubpart
6.80.1 LargeArraySubpart class: instance creation
6.80.2 LargeArraySubpart: accessing
6.80.3 LargeArraySubpart: comparing
6.80.4 LargeArraySubpart: modifying
6.81 LargeByteArray
6.81.1 LargeByteArray: overridden
6.82 LargeInteger
6.82.1 LargeInteger: arithmetic
6.82.2 LargeInteger: bit operations
6.82.3 LargeInteger: built-ins
6.82.4 LargeInteger: coercion
6.82.5 LargeInteger: disabled
6.82.6 LargeInteger: primitive operations
6.82.7 LargeInteger: testing
6.83 LargeNegativeInteger
6.83.1 LargeNegativeInteger: converting
6.83.2 LargeNegativeInteger: numeric testing
6.83.3 LargeNegativeInteger: reverting to LargePositiveInteger
6.84 LargePositiveInteger
6.84.1 LargePositiveInteger: arithmetic
6.84.2 LargePositiveInteger: converting
6.84.3 LargePositiveInteger: helper byte-level methods
6.84.4 LargePositiveInteger: numeric testing
6.84.5 LargePositiveInteger: primitive operations
6.85 LargeWordArray
6.85.1 LargeWordArray: overridden
6.86 LargeZeroInteger
6.86.1 LargeZeroInteger: accessing
6.86.2 LargeZeroInteger: arithmetic
6.86.3 LargeZeroInteger: numeric testing
6.86.4 LargeZeroInteger: printing
6.87 Link
6.87.1 Link class: instance creation
6.87.2 Link: basic
6.87.3 Link: iteration
6.88 LinkedList
6.88.1 LinkedList: accessing
6.88.2 LinkedList: adding
6.88.3 LinkedList: enumerating
6.88.4 LinkedList: testing
6.89 LookupKey
6.89.1 LookupKey class: basic
6.89.2 LookupKey: accessing
6.89.3 LookupKey: printing
6.89.4 LookupKey: storing
6.89.5 LookupKey: testing
6.90 LookupTable
6.90.1 LookupTable class: instance creation
6.90.2 LookupTable: accessing
6.90.3 LookupTable: copying
6.90.4 LookupTable: enumerating
6.90.5 LookupTable: rehashing
6.90.6 LookupTable: removing
6.90.7 LookupTable: storing
6.91 Magnitude
6.91.1 Magnitude: basic
6.91.2 Magnitude: misc methods
6.92 MappedCollection
6.92.1 MappedCollection class: instance creation
6.92.2 MappedCollection: basic
6.93 Memory
6.93.1 Memory class: accessing
6.93.2 Memory class: basic
6.94 Message
6.94.1 Message class: creating instances
6.94.2 Message: accessing
6.94.3 Message: basic
6.95 MessageNotUnderstood
6.95.1 MessageNotUnderstood: accessing
6.95.2 MessageNotUnderstood: description
6.96 Metaclass
6.96.1 Metaclass class: instance creation
6.96.2 Metaclass: accessing
6.96.3 Metaclass: basic
6.96.4 Metaclass: delegation
6.96.5 Metaclass: filing
6.96.6 Metaclass: printing
6.96.7 Metaclass: testing functionality
6.97 MethodContext
6.97.1 MethodContext: accessing
6.97.2 MethodContext: printing
6.98 MethodDictionary
6.98.1 MethodDictionary: adding
6.98.2 MethodDictionary: rehashing
6.98.3 MethodDictionary: removing
6.99 MethodInfo
6.99.1 MethodInfo: accessing
6.99.2 MethodInfo: equality
6.100 Namespace
6.100.1 Namespace class: accessing
6.100.2 Namespace class: disabling instance creation
6.100.3 Namespace: accessing
6.100.4 Namespace: namespace hierarchy
6.100.5 Namespace: overrides for superspaces
6.100.6 Namespace: printing
6.100.7 Namespace: testing
6.101 Notification
6.101.1 Notification: exception description
6.102 NullProxy
6.102.1 NullProxy class: instance creation
6.102.2 NullProxy: accessing
6.103 NullValueHolder
6.103.1 NullValueHolder class: creating instances
6.103.2 NullValueHolder: accessing
6.104 Number
6.104.1 Number class: converting
6.104.2 Number class: testing
6.104.3 Number: arithmetic
6.104.4 Number: converting
6.104.5 Number: copying
6.104.6 Number: error raising
6.104.7 Number: Intervals & iterators
6.104.8 Number: misc math
6.104.9 Number: point creation
6.104.10 Number: retrying
6.104.11 Number: testing
6.104.12 Number: truncation and round off
6.105 Object
6.105.1 Object: built ins
6.105.2 Object: change and update
6.105.3 Object: class type methods
6.105.4 Object: copying
6.105.5 Object: debugging
6.105.6 Object: dependents access
6.105.7 Object: error raising
6.105.8 Object: finalization
6.105.9 Object: printing
6.105.10 Object: Relational operators
6.105.11 Object: saving and loading
6.105.12 Object: storing
6.105.13 Object: syntax shortcuts
6.105.14 Object: testing functionality
6.105.15 Object: VM callbacks
6.106 ObjectDumper
6.106.1 ObjectDumper class: establishing proxy classes
6.106.2 ObjectDumper class: instance creation
6.106.3 ObjectDumper class: shortcuts
6.106.4 ObjectDumper class: testing
6.106.5 ObjectDumper: accessing
6.106.6 ObjectDumper: loading/dumping objects
6.106.7 ObjectDumper: stream interface
6.107 ObjectMemory
6.107.1 ObjectMemory class: builtins
6.107.2 ObjectMemory class: dependancy
6.107.3 ObjectMemory class: initialization
6.107.4 ObjectMemory class: saving the image
6.108 OrderedCollection
6.108.1 OrderedCollection class: instance creation
6.108.2 OrderedCollection: accessing
6.108.3 OrderedCollection: adding
6.108.4 OrderedCollection: removing
6.109 PackageLoader
6.109.1 PackageLoader class: accessing
6.109.2 PackageLoader class: loading
6.109.3 PackageLoader class: testing
6.110 PluggableAdaptor
6.110.1 PluggableAdaptor class: creating instances
6.110.2 PluggableAdaptor: accessing
6.111 PluggableProxy
6.111.1 PluggableProxy class: accessing
6.111.2 PluggableProxy: saving and restoring
6.112 Point
6.112.1 Point class: instance creation
6.112.2 Point: accessing
6.112.3 Point: arithmetic
6.112.4 Point: comparing
6.112.5 Point: converting
6.112.6 Point: point functions
6.112.7 Point: printing
6.112.8 Point: storing
6.112.9 Point: truncation and round off
6.113 PositionableStream
6.113.1 PositionableStream class: instance creation
6.113.2 PositionableStream: accessing-reading
6.113.3 PositionableStream: class type methods
6.113.4 PositionableStream: positioning
6.113.5 PositionableStream: testing
6.113.6 PositionableStream: truncating
6.114 Process
6.114.1 Process class: basic
6.114.2 Process: accessing
6.114.3 Process: basic
6.114.4 Process: builtins
6.114.5 Process: printing
6.115 ProcessorScheduler
6.115.1 ProcessorScheduler class: instance creation
6.115.2 ProcessorScheduler: basic
6.115.3 ProcessorScheduler: idle tasks
6.115.4 ProcessorScheduler: printing
6.115.5 ProcessorScheduler: priorities
6.115.6 ProcessorScheduler: storing
6.115.7 ProcessorScheduler: timed invocation
6.116 Promise
6.116.1 Promise class: creating instances
6.116.2 Promise: accessing
6.116.3 Promise: initializing
6.117 Random
6.117.1 Random class: instance creation
6.117.2 Random: basic
6.117.3 Random: testing
6.118 ReadStream
6.118.1 ReadStream class: instance creation
6.118.2 ReadStream: accessing-reading
6.119 ReadWriteStream
6.119.1 ReadWriteStream class: instance creation
6.119.2 ReadWriteStream: positioning
6.120 Rectangle
6.120.1 Rectangle class: instance creation
6.120.2 Rectangle: accessing
6.120.3 Rectangle: copying
6.120.4 Rectangle: printing
6.120.5 Rectangle: rectangle functions
6.120.6 Rectangle: testing
6.120.7 Rectangle: transforming
6.120.8 Rectangle: truncation and round off
6.121 RootNamespace
6.121.1 RootNamespace class: instance creation
6.121.2 RootNamespace: accessing
6.121.3 RootNamespace: basic & copying
6.121.4 RootNamespace: copying
6.121.5 RootNamespace: forward declarations
6.121.6 RootNamespace: namespace hierarchy
6.121.7 RootNamespace: overrides for superspaces
6.121.8 RootNamespace: printing
6.121.9 RootNamespace: testing
6.122 RunArray
6.122.1 RunArray class: instance creation
6.122.2 RunArray: accessing
6.122.3 RunArray: adding
6.122.4 RunArray: basic
6.122.5 RunArray: copying
6.122.6 RunArray: enumerating
6.122.7 RunArray: removing
6.122.8 RunArray: searching
6.122.9 RunArray: testing
6.123 ScaledDecimal
6.123.1 ScaledDecimal class: constants
6.123.2 ScaledDecimal class: instance creation
6.123.3 ScaledDecimal: arithmetic
6.123.4 ScaledDecimal: coercion
6.123.5 ScaledDecimal: comparing
6.123.6 ScaledDecimal: constants
6.123.7 ScaledDecimal: printing
6.123.8 ScaledDecimal: storing
6.124 Semaphore
6.124.1 Semaphore class: instance creation
6.124.2 Semaphore: builtins
6.124.3 Semaphore: mutual exclusion
6.125 SequenceableCollection
6.125.1 SequenceableCollection class: instance creation
6.125.2 SequenceableCollection: basic
6.125.3 SequenceableCollection: copying SequenceableCollections
6.125.4 SequenceableCollection: enumerating
6.125.5 SequenceableCollection: replacing items
6.125.6 SequenceableCollection: testing
6.126 Set
6.126.1 Set: arithmetic
6.126.2 Set: awful ST-80 compatibility hacks
6.126.3 Set: comparing
6.127 SharedQueue
6.127.1 SharedQueue class: instance creation
6.127.2 SharedQueue: accessing
6.128 Signal
6.128.1 Signal: accessing
6.128.2 Signal: exception handling
6.129 SingletonProxy
6.129.1 SingletonProxy class: accessing
6.129.2 SingletonProxy class: instance creation
6.129.3 SingletonProxy: saving and restoring
6.130 SmallInteger
6.130.1 SmallInteger: built ins
6.130.2 SmallInteger: builtins
6.131 SortedCollection
6.131.1 SortedCollection class: hacking
6.131.2 SortedCollection class: instance creation
6.131.3 SortedCollection: basic
6.131.4 SortedCollection: copying
6.131.5 SortedCollection: disabled
6.131.6 SortedCollection: enumerating
6.131.7 SortedCollection: saving and loading
6.131.8 SortedCollection: searching
6.132 Stream
6.132.1 Stream: accessing-reading
6.132.2 Stream: accessing-writing
6.132.3 Stream: basic
6.132.4 Stream: character writing
6.132.5 Stream: enumerating
6.132.6 Stream: filing out
6.132.7 Stream: PositionableStream methods
6.132.8 Stream: printing
6.132.9 Stream: providing consistent protocols
6.132.10 Stream: storing
6.132.11 Stream: testing
6.133 String
6.133.1 String class: basic
6.133.2 String class: instance creation
6.133.3 String: built ins
6.133.4 String: converting
6.133.5 String: storing
6.133.6 String: testing functionality
6.133.7 String: useful functionality
6.134 Symbol
6.134.1 Symbol class: built ins
6.134.2 Symbol class: instance creation
6.134.3 Symbol class: symbol table
6.134.4 Symbol: basic
6.134.5 Symbol: built ins
6.134.6 Symbol: converting
6.134.7 Symbol: misc
6.134.8 Symbol: storing
6.134.9 Symbol: testing
6.134.10 Symbol: testing functionality
6.135 SymLink
6.135.1 SymLink class: instance creation
6.135.2 SymLink: accessing
6.135.3 SymLink: iteration
6.135.4 SymLink: printing
6.136 SystemDictionary
6.136.1 SystemDictionary: basic
6.136.2 SystemDictionary: builtins
6.136.3 SystemDictionary: C functions
6.136.4 SystemDictionary: initialization
6.136.5 SystemDictionary: miscellaneous
6.136.6 SystemDictionary: printing
6.136.7 SystemDictionary: special accessing
6.137 SystemExceptions AlreadyDefined
6.137.1 SystemExceptions AlreadyDefined: accessing
6.138 SystemExceptions ArgumentOutOfRange
6.138.1 SystemExceptions ArgumentOutOfRange class: signaling
6.138.2 SystemExceptions ArgumentOutOfRange: accessing
6.139 SystemExceptions BadReturn
6.139.1 SystemExceptions BadReturn: accessing
6.140 SystemExceptions CInterfaceError
6.140.1 SystemExceptions CInterfaceError: accessing
6.141 SystemExceptions EmptyCollection
6.141.1 SystemExceptions EmptyCollection: accessing
6.142 SystemExceptions EndOfStream
6.142.1 SystemExceptions EndOfStream class: signaling
6.142.2 SystemExceptions EndOfStream: accessing
6.143 SystemExceptions FileError
6.143.1 SystemExceptions FileError: accessing
6.144 SystemExceptions IndexOutOfRange
6.144.1 SystemExceptions IndexOutOfRange class: signaling
6.144.2 SystemExceptions IndexOutOfRange: accessing
6.145 SystemExceptions InvalidArgument
6.145.1 SystemExceptions InvalidArgument: accessing
6.146 SystemExceptions InvalidSize
6.146.1 SystemExceptions InvalidSize: accessing
6.147 SystemExceptions InvalidValue
6.147.1 SystemExceptions InvalidValue class: signaling
6.147.2 SystemExceptions InvalidValue: accessing
6.148 SystemExceptions MustBeBoolean
6.149 SystemExceptions NoRunnableProcess
6.149.1 SystemExceptions NoRunnableProcess: accessing
6.150 SystemExceptions NotFound
6.150.1 SystemExceptions NotFound class: accessing
6.150.2 SystemExceptions NotFound: accessing
6.151 SystemExceptions NotImplemented
6.151.1 SystemExceptions NotImplemented: accessing
6.152 SystemExceptions NotIndexable
6.152.1 SystemExceptions NotIndexable: accessing
6.153 SystemExceptions NotYetImplemented
6.153.1 SystemExceptions NotYetImplemented: accessing
6.154 SystemExceptions PrimitiveFailed
6.154.1 SystemExceptions PrimitiveFailed: accessing
6.155 SystemExceptions ProcessTerminated
6.155.1 SystemExceptions ProcessTerminated: accessing
6.156 SystemExceptions ReadOnlyObject
6.156.1 SystemExceptions ReadOnlyObject: accessing
6.157 SystemExceptions ShouldNotImplement
6.157.1 SystemExceptions ShouldNotImplement: accessing
6.158 SystemExceptions SubclassResponsibility
6.158.1 SystemExceptions SubclassResponsibility: accessing
6.159 SystemExceptions UserInterrupt
6.159.1 SystemExceptions UserInterrupt: accessing
6.160 SystemExceptions VMError
6.160.1 SystemExceptions VMError: accessing
6.161 SystemExceptions WrongArgumentCount
6.161.1 SystemExceptions WrongArgumentCount: accessing
6.162 SystemExceptions WrongClass
6.162.1 SystemExceptions WrongClass class: signaling
6.162.2 SystemExceptions WrongClass: accessing
6.163 SystemExceptions WrongMessageSent
6.163.1 SystemExceptions WrongMessageSent class: signaling
6.163.2 SystemExceptions WrongMessageSent: accessing
6.164 TextCollector
6.164.1 TextCollector class: accessing
6.164.2 TextCollector: accessing
6.164.3 TextCollector: printing
6.164.4 TextCollector: set up
6.164.5 TextCollector: storing
6.165 Time
6.165.1 Time class: basic (UTC)
6.165.2 Time class: builtins
6.165.3 Time class: clocks
6.165.4 Time class: initialization
6.165.5 Time class: instance creation
6.165.6 Time: accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes)
6.165.7 Time: accessing (non ANSI & for Durations)
6.165.8 Time: arithmetic
6.165.9 Time: comparing
6.166 TokenStream
6.166.1 TokenStream class: instance creation
6.166.2 TokenStream: basic
6.166.3 TokenStream: write methods
6.167 TrappableEvent
6.167.1 TrappableEvent: enumerating
6.167.2 TrappableEvent: instance creation
6.168 True
6.168.1 True: basic
6.168.2 True: C hacks
6.168.3 True: printing
6.169 UndefinedObject
6.169.1 UndefinedObject: class creation
6.169.2 UndefinedObject: class creation - alternative
6.169.3 UndefinedObject: CObject interoperability
6.169.4 UndefinedObject: dependents access
6.169.5 UndefinedObject: printing
6.169.6 UndefinedObject: storing
6.169.7 UndefinedObject: testing
6.170 ValueAdaptor
6.170.1 ValueAdaptor class: creating instances
6.170.2 ValueAdaptor: accessing
6.170.3 ValueAdaptor: basic
6.171 ValueHolder
6.171.1 ValueHolder class: creating instances
6.171.2 ValueHolder: accessing
6.171.3 ValueHolder: initializing
6.172 VersionableObjectProxy
6.172.1 VersionableObjectProxy class: saving and restoring
6.172.2 VersionableObjectProxy: saving and restoring
6.173 Warning
6.173.1 Warning: exception description
6.174 WeakArray
6.174.1 WeakArray class: instance creation
6.174.2 WeakArray: accessing
6.174.3 WeakArray: conversion
6.174.4 WeakArray: loading
6.175 WeakIdentitySet
6.176 WeakKeyIdentityDictionary
6.177 WeakKeyLookupTable
6.177.1 WeakKeyLookupTable class: instance creation
6.177.2 WeakKeyLookupTable: rehashing
6.178 WeakSet
6.178.1 WeakSet class: instance creation
6.178.2 WeakSet: rehashing
6.179 WeakValueIdentityDictionary
6.180 WeakValueLookupTable
6.180.1 WeakValueLookupTable: hacks
6.180.2 WeakValueLookupTable: rehashing
6.181 WordArray
6.182 WriteStream
6.182.1 WriteStream class: instance creation
6.182.2 WriteStream: accessing
6.182.3 WriteStream: accessing-writing
6.182.4 WriteStream: positioning
6.183 ZeroDivide
6.183.1 ZeroDivide class: instance creation
6.183.2 ZeroDivide: accessing
6.183.3 ZeroDivide: description
7. Future directions for
Class index
Method index
Selector cross-reference
This document was generated on
May, 12 2002