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6.32 Collection

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Collections
I am an abstract class. My instances are collections of objects. My subclasses may place some restrictions or add some definitions to how the objects are stored or organized; I say nothing about this. I merely provide some object creation and access routines for general collections of objects.

6.32.1 Collection class: instance creation  (class)
6.32.2 Collection: Adding to a collection  (instance)
6.32.3 Collection: converting  (instance)
6.32.4 Collection: copying Collections  (instance)
6.32.5 Collection: enumerating the elements of a collection  (instance)
6.32.6 Collection: printing  (instance)
6.32.7 Collection: Removing from a collection  (instance)
6.32.8 Collection: storing  (instance)
6.32.9 Collection: testing collections  (instance)

6.32.1 Collection class: instance creation

with: anObject
Answer a collection whose only element is anObject

with: firstObject with: secondObject
Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed

with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject
Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed

with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject
Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed

with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject with: fifthObject
Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed

withAll: aCollection
Answer a collection whose elements are all those in aCollection

6.32.2 Collection: Adding to a collection

add: newObject
Add newObject to the receiver, answer it

addAll: aCollection
Adds all the elements of 'aCollection' to the receiver, answer aCollection

6.32.3 Collection: converting

Answer an Array containing all the elements in the receiver

Answer a Bag containing all the elements in the receiver

Answer a ByteArray containing all the elements in the receiver

Answer an OrderedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver

Answer the receiver converted to a RunArray. If the receiver is not ordered the order of the elements in the RunArray might not be the #do: order.

Answer a Set containing all the elements in the receiver with no duplicates

Answer a SortedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver with the default sort block - [ :a :b | a <= b ]

asSortedCollection: aBlock
Answer a SortedCollection whose elements are the elements of the receiver, sorted according to the sort block aBlock

6.32.4 Collection: copying Collections

copyReplacing: targetObject withObject: newObject
Copy replacing each object which is = to targetObject with newObject

copyWith: newElement
Answer a copy of the receiver to which newElement is added

copyWithout: oldElement
Answer a copy of the receiver to which all occurrences of oldElement are removed

6.32.5 Collection: enumerating the elements of a collection

allSatisfy: aBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns false. Answer true if none does, false otherwise.

Answer an unspecified element of the collection. Example usage: ^coll inject: coll anyOne into: [ :max :each | max max: each ] to be used when you don't have a valid lowest-possible-value (which happens in common cases too, such as with arbitrary numbers

anySatisfy: aBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. Answer true if some does, false otherwise.

This method is private, but it is quite interesting so it is documented. It ensures that a collection is in a consistent state before attempting to iterate on it; its presence reduces the number of overrides needed by collections who try to amortize their execution times. The default implementation does nothing, so it is optimized out by the virtual machine and so it loses very little on the performance side. Note that descendants of Collection have to call it explicitly since #do: is abstract in Collection.

collect: aBlock
Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the results of evaluating aBlock passing each of the receiver's elements

conform: aBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns false. Answer true if none does, false otherwise.

contains: aBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. Answer true if some does, false otherwise.

detect: aBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. If some does, answer it. If none does, fail

detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock
Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. If some does, answer it. If none does, answer the result of evaluating aBlock

do: aBlock
Enumerate each object of the receiver, passing them to aBlock

do: aBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
Enumerate each object of the receiver, passing them to aBlock. Between every two invocations of aBlock, invoke separatorBlock

inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock
Pass to binaryBlock receiver thisValue and the first element of the receiver; for each subsequent element, pass the result of the previous evaluation and an element. Answer the result of the last invocation.

reject: aBlock
Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, don't answer true

select: aBlock
Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer true

6.32.6 Collection: printing

Print all the instance variables and objects in the receiver on the Transcript

printOn: aStream
Print a representation of the receiver on aStream

6.32.7 Collection: Removing from a collection

remove: oldObject
Remove oldObject from the receiver. If absent, fail, else answer oldObject.

remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock
Remove oldObject from the receiver. If absent, evaluate anExceptionBlock and answer the result, else answer oldObject.

removeAll: aCollection
Remove each object in aCollection, answer aCollection, fail if some of them is absent. Warning: this could leave the collection in a semi-updated state.

removeAll: aCollection ifAbsent: aBlock
Remove each object in aCollection, answer aCollection; if some element is absent, pass it to aBlock.

6.32.8 Collection: storing

storeOn: aStream
Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream

6.32.9 Collection: testing collections

Answer how many elements the receiver can hold before having to grow.

identityIncludes: anObject
Answer whether we include the anObject object

includes: anObject
Answer whether we include anObject

Answer whether we are (still) empty

Answer whether we include at least one object

occurrencesOf: anObject
Answer how many occurrences of anObject we include

Answer how many objects we include

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