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6.132 Stream

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Streams
I am an abstract class that provides interruptable sequential access to objects. I can return successive objects from a source, or accept successive objects and store them sequentially on a sink. I provide some simple iteration over the contents of one of my instances, and provide for writing collections sequentially.

6.132.1 Stream: accessing-reading  (instance)
6.132.2 Stream: accessing-writing  (instance)
6.132.3 Stream: basic  (instance)
6.132.4 Stream: character writing  (instance)
6.132.5 Stream: enumerating  (instance)
6.132.6 Stream: filing out  (instance)
6.132.7 Stream: PositionableStream methods  (instance)
6.132.8 Stream: printing  (instance)
6.132.9 Stream: providing consistent protocols  (instance)
6.132.10 Stream: storing  (instance)
6.132.11 Stream: testing  (instance)

6.132.1 Stream: accessing-reading

Answer the whole contents of the receiver, from the next object to the last

Return the next object in the receiver

next: anInteger
Return the next anInteger objects in the receiver

nextAvailable: anInteger
Return up to anInteger objects in the receiver, stopping if the end of the stream is reached

nextMatchFor: anObject
Answer whether the next object is equal to anObject. Even if it does not, anObject is lost

splitAt: anObject
Answer an OrderedCollection of parts of the receiver. A new (possibly empty) part starts at the start of the receiver, or after every occurrence of an object which is equal to anObject (as compared by #=).

6.132.2 Stream: accessing-writing

next: anInteger put: anObject
Write anInteger copies of anObject to the receiver

nextPut: anObject
Write anObject to the receiver

nextPutAll: aCollection
Write all the objects in aCollection to the receiver

6.132.3 Stream: basic

Answer `Array'.

6.132.4 Stream: character writing

Store a cr on the receiver

Store a cr and a tab on the receiver

Store a new line on the receiver

Store a new line and a tab on the receiver

Store a space on the receiver

space: n
Store n spaces on the receiver

Store a tab on the receiver

tab: n
Store n tabs on the receiver

6.132.5 Stream: enumerating

do: aBlock
Evaluate aBlock once for every object in the receiver

6.132.6 Stream: filing out

fileOut: aClass
File out aClass on the receiver. If aClass is not a metaclass, file out class and instance methods; if aClass is a metaclass, file out only the class methods

6.132.7 Stream: PositionableStream methods

Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to but not including the object anObject. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if anObject is not present.

skip: anInteger
Move the position forwards by anInteger places

skipTo: anObject
Move the current position to after the next occurrence of anObject and return true if anObject was found. If anObject doesn't exist, the pointer is atEnd, and false is returned.

skipToAll: aCollection
If there is a sequence of objects remaining in the stream that is equal to the sequence in aCollection, set the stream position just past that sequence and answer true. Else, set the stream position to its end and answer false.

upTo: anObject
Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to but not including the object anObject. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if anObject is not present.

upToAll: aCollection
If there is a sequence of objects remaining in the stream that is equal to the sequence in aCollection, set the stream position just past that sequence and answer the elements up to, but not including, the sequence. Else, set the stream position to its end and answer all the remaining elements.

Answer every item in the collection on which the receiver is streaming, from the next one to the last

6.132.8 Stream: printing

<< anObject
This method is a short-cut for #display:; it prints anObject on the receiver by sending displayOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code

display: anObject
Print anObject on the receiver by sending displayOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code

print: anObject
Print anObject on the receiver by sending printOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code

6.132.9 Stream: providing consistent protocols

Do nothing. This is provided for consistency with file streams

Do nothing. This is provided for consistency with file streams

6.132.10 Stream: storing

store: anObject
Print Smalltalk code compiling to anObject on the receiver, by sending storeOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code

6.132.11 Stream: testing

Answer whether the stream has got to an end

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