6.29 ClassDescription
- Defined in namespace Smalltalk
- Category: Language-Implementation
- My instances provide methods that access classes by category, and
allow whole categories of classes to be filed out to external disk
6.29.1 ClassDescription: compiling
- compile: code classified: categoryName
- Compile code in the receiver, assigning the method to the given category. Answer the newly created CompiledMethod, or nil if an error was found.
- compile: code classified: categoryName ifError: block
- Compile method source and install in method category, categoryName. If there are parsing errors, invoke exception block, 'block' (see compile:ifError:). Return the method
- compile: code classified: categoryName notifying: requestor
- Compile method source and install in method category, categoryName. If there are parsing errors, send an error message to requestor
6.29.2 ClassDescription: conversion
- asClass
- This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription
- asMetaclass
- Answer the metaclass associated to the receiver
6.29.3 ClassDescription: copying
- copy: selector from: aClass
- Copy the given selector from aClass, assigning it the same category
- copy: selector from: aClass classified: categoryName
- Copy the given selector from aClass, assigning it the given category
- copyAll: arrayOfSelectors from: class
- Copy all the selectors in arrayOfSelectors from class, assigning them the same category they have in class
- copyAll: arrayOfSelectors from: class classified: categoryName
- Copy all the selectors in arrayOfSelectors from aClass, assigning them the given category
- copyAllCategoriesFrom: aClass
- Copy all the selectors in aClass, assigning them the original category
- copyCategory: categoryName from: aClass
- Copy all the selectors in from aClass that belong to the given category
- copyCategory: categoryName from: aClass classified: newCategoryName
- Copy all the selectors in from aClass that belong to the given category, reclassifying them as belonging to the given category
6.29.4 ClassDescription: filing
- fileOut: fileName
- Open the given file and to file out a complete class description to it
- fileOutCategory: categoryName to: fileName
- File out all the methods belonging to the method category, categoryName, to the fileName file
- fileOutCategory: category toStream: aFileStream
- File out all the methods belonging to the method category, categoryName, to aFileStream
- fileOutOn: aFileStream
- File out complete class description: class definition, class and instance methods
- fileOutSelector: selector to: fileName
- File out the given selector to fileName
6.29.5 ClassDescription: organization of messages and classes
- createGetMethod: what
- Create a method accessing the variable `what'.
- createGetMethod: what default: value
- Create a method accessing the variable `what', with a default value of `value', using lazy initialization
- createSetMethod: what
- Create a method which sets the variable `what'.
- defineCFunc: cFuncNameString
- withSelectorArgs: selectorAndArgs
returning: returnTypeSymbol
args: argsArray
See documentation. Too complex to describe it here ;-)
- removeCategory: aString
- Remove from the receiver every method belonging to the given category
- whichCategoryIncludesSelector: selector
- Answer the category for the given selector, or nil if the selector is not found
6.29.6 ClassDescription: printing
- classVariableString
- This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription
- instanceVariableString
- Answer a string containing the name of the receiver's instance variables.
- nameIn: aNamespace
- Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace
- sharedVariableString
- This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription