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6.57 DirectedMessage

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I represent a message send: I contain the receiver, selector and arguments for a message.

6.57.1 DirectedMessage class: creating instances  (class)
6.57.2 DirectedMessage: accessing  (instance)
6.57.3 DirectedMessage: basic  (instance)
6.57.4 DirectedMessage: saving and loading  (instance)

6.57.1 DirectedMessage class: creating instances

selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray
This method should not be called for instances of this class.

selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray receiver: anObject
Create a new instance of the receiver

6.57.2 DirectedMessage: accessing

Answer the receiver

receiver: anObject
Change the receiver

6.57.3 DirectedMessage: basic

printOn: aStream
Print a representation of the receiver on aStream

Send the message

6.57.4 DirectedMessage: saving and loading

This method is used when DirectedMessages are used together with PluggableProxies (see ObjectDumper). It sends the receiver to reconstruct the object that was originally stored.

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