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6.136 SystemDictionary

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I am a special namespace. I only have one instance, called "Smalltalk", which is known to the Smalltalk interpreter. I define several methods that are "system" related, such as #quitPrimitive. My instance also helps keep track of dependencies between objects.

6.136.1 SystemDictionary: basic  (instance)
6.136.2 SystemDictionary: builtins  (instance)
6.136.3 SystemDictionary: C functions  (instance)
6.136.4 SystemDictionary: initialization  (instance)
6.136.5 SystemDictionary: miscellaneous  (instance)
6.136.6 SystemDictionary: printing  (instance)
6.136.7 SystemDictionary: special accessing  (instance)

6.136.1 SystemDictionary: basic

Interrupt interpreter

Smalltalk usually contains a reference to itself, avoid infinite loops

6.136.2 SystemDictionary: builtins

Answer the number of bytecodes executed by the VM

Force a full garbage collection. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

for GDB. Set breakpoint in debug() and invoke this primitive near where you want to stop

Answer whether compiled bytecodes are printed on stdout

declarationTrace: aBoolean
Set whether compiled bytecodes are printed on stdout

Answer whether executed bytecodes are printed on stdout

executionTrace: aBoolean
Set whether executed bytecodes are printed on stdout

Answer whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout

gcMessage: aBoolean
Set whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout

getTraceFlag: anIndex
Private - Returns a boolean value which is one of the interpreter's tracing flags

Answer the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

growThresholdPercent: growPercent
Set the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

growTo: numBytes
Grow the amount of memory used by the system grows to numBytes. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

monitor: aBoolean
Start or stop profiling the VM's execution (if GNU Smalltalk was compiled with support for monitor(2), of course).

Print statistics about what the VM did since #resetStatistics was last called. Meaningful only if gst was made with `make profile' or `make profile_vm'. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

Quit the Smalltalk environment. Whether files are closed and other similar cleanup occurs depends on the platform. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send #quit to ObjectMemory instead.

quitPrimitive: exitStatus
Quit the Smalltalk environment, passing the exitStatus integer to the OS. Whether files are closed and other similar cleanup occurs depends on the platform. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send #quit to ObjectMemory instead.

Reset the statistics about the VM which #printStatistics can print. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

setTraceFlag: anIndex to: aBoolean
Private - Sets the value of one of the interpreter's tracing flags (indicated by 'anIndex') to the value aBoolean.

snapshot: aString
Save an image on the aString file. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

Answer the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

spaceGrowRate: rate
Set the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

Answer whether execution tracing prints the object on the stack top

verboseTrace: aBoolean
Set whether execution tracing prints the object on the stack top

6.136.3 SystemDictionary: C functions

C call-out to getArgc. Do not modify!

getArgv: index
C call-out to getArgv. Do not modify!

getenv: aString
C call-out to getenv. Do not modify!

putenv: aString
C call-out to putenv. Do not modify!

system: aString
C call-out to system. Do not modify!

6.136.4 SystemDictionary: initialization

addInit: aBlock
Adds 'aBlock' to the array of blocks to be invoked after every start of the system. This mechanism is deprecated and will disappear in a future version; register your class as a dependent of ObjectMemory instead.

Called after the system has loaded the image, this will invoke any init blocks that have been installed. This mechanism is deprecated; register your class as a dependent of ObjectMemory instead.

6.136.5 SystemDictionary: miscellaneous

Return the command line arguments after the -a switch

Print a backtrace on the Transcript.

Save a snapshot on the image file that was loaded on startup. Sending this method to Smalltalk is deprecated; send it to ObjectMemory instead.

6.136.6 SystemDictionary: printing

Answer `'Smalltalk".

Answer the receiver's name

nameIn: aNamespace
Answer `'Smalltalk".

storeOn: aStream
Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver

6.136.7 SystemDictionary: special accessing

addFeature: aFeature
Add the aFeature feature to the Features set

dependenciesAt: anObject
Answer the dependants of anObject (or nil if there's no key for anObject in the Dependencies IdentityDictionary)

hasFeatures: features
Returns true if the feature or features in 'features' is one of the implementation dependent features present

removeFeature: aFeature
Remove the aFeature feature to the Features set

Answer the current version of the GNU Smalltalk environment

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