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6.96 Metaclass

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I am the root of the class hierarchy. My instances are metaclasses, one for each real class. My instances have a single instance, which they hold onto, which is the class that they are the metaclass of. I provide methods for creation of actual class objects from metaclass object, and the creation of metaclass objects, which are my instances. If this is confusing to you, it should be...the Smalltalk metaclass system is strange and complex.

6.96.1 Metaclass class: instance creation  (class)
6.96.2 Metaclass: accessing  (instance)
6.96.3 Metaclass: basic  (instance)
6.96.4 Metaclass: delegation  (instance)
6.96.5 Metaclass: filing  (instance)
6.96.6 Metaclass: printing  (instance)
6.96.7 Metaclass: testing functionality  (instance)

6.96.1 Metaclass class: instance creation

subclassOf: superMeta
Answer a new metaclass representing a subclass of superMeta

6.96.2 Metaclass: accessing

Answer the only instance of the metaclass

Answer the only instance of the metaclass - present for compatibility

Answer the only instance of the metaclass - present for compatibility

6.96.3 Metaclass: basic

instanceVariableNames: classInstVarNames
Set the class-instance variables for the receiver to be those in classInstVarNames

name: newName
environment: aNamespace subclassOf: superclass instanceVariableNames: stringOfInstVarNames variable: variableBoolean words: wordBoolean pointers: pointerBoolean classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryName Private - create a full featured class and install it, or change an existing one

newMeta: className
environment: aNamespace subclassOf: superclass instanceVariableNames: stringOfInstVarNames variable: variableBoolean words: wordBoolean pointers: pointerBoolean classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryName Private - create a full featured class and install it

6.96.4 Metaclass: delegation

addClassVarName: aString
Add a class variable with the given name to the class pool dictionary

addSharedPool: aDictionary
Add the given shared pool to the list of the class' pool dictionaries

Answer the names of the variables in the receiver's class pool dictionary and in each of the superclasses' class pool dictionaries

Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class and any of its superclasses

Answer the class category

Answer the class pool dictionary

Answer the names of the variables in the class pool dictionary

Answer the class comment

Answer the namespace in which the receiver is implemented

Answer the class name - it has none, actually

removeClassVarName: aString
Removes the class variable from the class, error if not present, or still in use.

removeSharedPool: aDictionary
Remove the given dictionary to the list of the class' pool dictionaries

Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class

6.96.5 Metaclass: filing

fileOutOn: aFileStream
File out complete class description: class definition, class and instance methods

6.96.6 Metaclass: printing

nameIn: aNamespace
Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace - a dummy one, since Behavior does not support names.

printOn: aStream
Print a represention of the receiver on aStream

storeOn: aStream
Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream

6.96.7 Metaclass: testing functionality

Answer `instanceClass'.

Answer `true'.

Answer `true'.

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