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6.164 TextCollector

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Streams
I am a thread-safe class that maps between standard Stream protocol and a single message to another object (its selector is pluggable and should roughly correspond to #nextPutAll:). I am, in fact, the class that implements the global Transcript object.

6.164.1 TextCollector class: accessing  (class)
6.164.2 TextCollector: accessing  (instance)
6.164.3 TextCollector: printing  (instance)
6.164.4 TextCollector: set up  (instance)
6.164.5 TextCollector: storing  (instance)

6.164.1 TextCollector class: accessing

message: receiverToSelectorAssociation
Answer a new instance of the receiver, that uses the message identified by anAssociation to perform write operations. anAssociation's key is the receiver, while its value is the selector.

This method should not be called for instances of this class.

6.164.2 TextCollector: accessing

Emit a new-line (carriage return) to the Transcript

Emit two new-lines. This method is present for compatibility with VisualWorks.

next: anInteger put: anObject
Write anInteger copies of anObject to the Transcript

nextPut: aCharacter
Emit aCharacter to the Transcript

nextPutAll: aString
Write aString to the Transcript

show: aString
Write aString to the Transcript

showCr: aString
Write aString to the Transcript, followed by a new-line character

showOnNewLine: aString
Write aString to the Transcript, preceded by a new-line character

6.164.3 TextCollector: printing

print: anObject
Print anObject's representation to the Transcript

printOn: aStream
Print a representation of the receiver onto aStream

6.164.4 TextCollector: set up

Answer an association representing the message to be sent to perform write operations. The key is the receiver, the value is the selector

message: receiverToSelectorAssociation
Set the message to be sent to perform write operations to the one represented by anAssociation. anAssociation's key is the receiver, while its value is the selector

6.164.5 TextCollector: storing

store: anObject
Print Smalltalk code which evaluates to anObject on the Transcript

storeOn: aStream
Print Smalltalk code which evaluates to the receiver onto aStream

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