6.105 Object
- Defined in namespace Smalltalk
- Category: Language-Implementation
- I am the root of the Smalltalk class system.
All classes in the system are subclasses of me.
6.105.1 Object: built ins
- = arg
- Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg. The equality test is by default the same as that for equal objects. = must not fail; answer false if the receiver cannot be compared to arg
- == arg
- Answer whether the receiver is the same object as arg. This is a very fast test and is called 'identity'
- addToBeFinalized
- Add the object to the list of objects to be finalized when there are no more references to them
- asOop
- Answer the object index associated to the receiver. The object index doesn't change when garbage collection is performed.
- at: anIndex
- Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver
- at: anIndex put: value
- Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver
- basicAt: anIndex
- Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden, override at: instead
- basicAt: anIndex put: value
- Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver This method must not be overridden, override at:put: instead
- basicPrint
- Print a basic representation of the receiver
- basicSize
- Answer the number of indexed instance variable in the receiver
- become: otherObject
- Change all references to the receiver into references to otherObject. Depending on the implementation, references to otherObject might or might not be transformed into the receiver (respectively, 'two-way become' and 'one-way become'). Implementations doing one-way become answer the receiver (so that it is not lost). Most implementations doing two-way become answer otherObject, but this is not assured - so do answer the receiver for consistency. GNU Smalltalk does two-way become and answers otherObject, but this might change in future versions: programs should not rely on the behavior and results of #become: .
- changeClassTo: aBehavior
- Mutate the class of the receiver to be aBehavior. Note: Tacitly assumes that the structure is the same for the original and new class!!
- checkIndexableBounds: index
- Private - Check the reason why an access to the given indexed instance variable failed
- checkIndexableBounds: index put: object
- Private - Check the reason why a store to the given indexed instance variable failed
- class
- Answer the class to which the receiver belongs
- halt
- Called to enter the debugger
- hash
- Answer an hash value for the receiver. This hash value is ok for objects that do not redefine ==.
- identityHash
- Answer an hash value for the receiver. This method must not be overridden
- instVarAt: index
- Answer the index-th instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden.
- instVarAt: index put: value
- Store value in the index-th instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden.
- isReadOnly
- Answer whether the object's indexed instance variables can be written
- makeFixed
- Avoid that the receiver moves in memory across garbage collections.
- makeReadOnly: aBoolean
- Set whether the object's indexed instance variables can be written
- makeWeak
- Make the object a 'weak' one. When an object is only referenced by weak objects, it is collected and the slots in the weak objects are changed to nils by the VM
- mark: aSymbol
- Private - use this method to mark code which needs to be reworked, removed, etc. You can then find all senders of #mark: to find all marked methods or you can look for all senders of the symbol that you sent to #mark: to find a category of marked methods.
- nextInstance
- Private - answer another instance of the receiver's class, or nil if the entire object table has been walked
- notYetImplemented
- Called when a method defined by a class is not yet implemented, but is going to be
- perform: selectorOrMessageOrMethod
- Send the unary message named selectorOrMessageOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, or the message and arguments it identifies (if a Message or DirectedMessage), or finally execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the last case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object -- it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact -- but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden
- perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1
- Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing arg1 to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object -- it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact -- but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden
- perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 with: arg2
- Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing arg1 and arg2 to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object -- it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact -- but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden
- perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3
- Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing the other arguments to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object -- it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact -- but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden
- perform: selectorOrMethod withArguments: argumentsArray
- Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing the elements of argumentsArray as parameters, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object -- it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact -- but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden
- primError: message
- This might start the debugger... Note that we use #basicPrint 'cause #printOn: might invoke an error.
- primitiveFailed
- Called when a VM primitive fails
- removeToBeFinalized
- Remove the object from the list of objects to be finalized when there are no more references to them
- shouldNotImplement
- Called when objects belonging to a class should not answer a selector defined by a superclass
- size
- Answer the number of indexed instance variable in the receiver
- specialBasicAt: index
- Similar to basicAt: but without bounds checking. This method is used to support instance mutation when an instance's class definition is changed. This method must not be overriddent
- subclassResponsibility
- Called when a method defined by a class should be overridden in a subclass
6.105.2 Object: change and update
- broadcast: aSymbol
- Send the unary message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents
- broadcast: aSymbol with: anObject
- Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing anObject
- broadcast: aSymbol with: arg1 with: arg2
- Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing arg1 and arg2 as parameters
- broadcast: aSymbol withArguments: anArray
- Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing the parameters in anArray
- broadcast: aSymbol withBlock: aBlock
- Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing the result of evaluating aBlock with each dependent as the parameter
- changed
- Send update: for each of the receiver's dependents, passing them the receiver
- changed: aParameter
- Send update: for each of the receiver's dependents, passing them aParameter
- update: aParameter
- Default behavior is to do nothing. Called by #changed and #changed:
6.105.3 Object: class type methods
- species
- This method has no unique definition. Generally speaking, methods which always return the same type usually don't use #class, but #species. For example, a PositionableStream's species is the class of the collection on which it is streaming (used by upTo:, upToAll:, upToEnd). Stream uses species for obtaining the class of next:'s return value, Collection uses it in its #copyEmpty: message, which in turn is used by all collection-re- turning methods. An Interval's species is Array (used by collect:, select:, reject:, etc.).
- yourself
- Answer the receiver
6.105.4 Object: copying
- copy
- Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied). The shallow copy receives the message postCopy and the result of postCopy is passed back.
- deepCopy
- Returns a deep copy of the receiver (the instance variables are copies of the receiver's instance variables)
- postCopy
- Performs any changes required to do on a copied object. This is the place where one could, for example, put code to replace objects with copies of the objects
- shallowCopy
- Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied)
6.105.5 Object: debugging
- breakpoint: context return: return
- Called back by the system. Must return the value passed through the second parameter
- inspect
- Print all the instance variables of the receiver on the Transcript
- validSize
- Answer how many elements in the receiver should be inspected
6.105.6 Object: dependents access
- addDependent: anObject
- Add anObject to the set of the receiver's dependents. Important: if an object has dependents, it won't be garbage collected.
- dependents
- Answer a collection of the receiver's dependents.
- release
- Remove all of the receiver's dependents from the set and allow the receiver to be garbage collected.
- removeDependent: anObject
- Remove anObject to the set of the receiver's dependents. No problem if anObject is not in the set of the receiver's dependents.
6.105.7 Object: error raising
- doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
- Called by the system when a selector was not found. message is a Message containing information on the receiver
- error: message
- Display a walkback for the receiver, with the given error message. Signal an `Error' exception (you can trap it the old way too, with `ExError'
- halt: message
- Display a walkback for the receiver, with the given error message. Signal an `Halt' exception (you can trap it the old way too, with `ExHalt')
6.105.8 Object: finalization
- finalize
- Do nothing by default
6.105.9 Object: printing
- basicPrintNl
- Print a basic representation of the receiver, followed by a new line.
- basicPrintOn: aStream
- Print a represention of the receiver on aStream
- display
- Print a represention of the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active). For most objects this is simply its #print representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped.
- displayNl
- Print a represention of the receiver, then put a new line on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active). For most objects this is simply its #printNl representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped.
- displayOn: aStream
- Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. For most objects this is simply its #printOn: representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped.
- displayString
- Answer a String representing the receiver. For most objects this is simply its #printString, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped.
- print
- Print a represention of the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active)
- printNl
- Print a represention of the receiver on stdout, put a new line the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active)
- printOn: aStream
- Print a represention of the receiver on aStream
- printString
- Answer a String representing the receiver
6.105.10 Object: Relational operators
- ~= anObject
- Answer whether the receiver and anObject are not equal
- ~~ anObject
- Answer whether the receiver and anObject are not the same object
6.105.11 Object: saving and loading
- binaryRepresentationObject
- This method must be implemented if PluggableProxies are used with the receiver's class. The default implementation raises an exception.
- postLoad
- Called after loading an object; must restore it to the state before `preStore' was called. Do nothing by default
- postStore
- Called after an object is dumped; must restore it to the state before `preStore' was called. Call #postLoad by default
- preStore
- Called before dumping an object; it must *change* it (it must not answer a new object) if necessary. Do nothing by default
- reconstructOriginalObject
- Used if an instance of the receiver's class is returned as the #binaryRepresentationObject of another object. The default implementation raises an exception.
6.105.12 Object: storing
- store
- Put a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active)
- storeNl
- Put a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver, followed by a new line, on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active)
- storeOn: aStream
- Put Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream
- storeString
- Answer a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver
6.105.13 Object: syntax shortcuts
- -> anObject
- Creates a new instance of Association with the receiver being the key and the argument becoming the value
6.105.14 Object: testing functionality
- ifNil: nilBlock
- Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else answer self
- ifNil: nilBlock ifNotNil: notNilBlock
- Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver.
- ifNotNil: notNilBlock
- Evaluate notNiilBlock if the receiver is not nil, passing the receiver. Else answer nil.
- ifNotNil: notNilBlock ifNil: nilBlock
- Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver.
- isArray
- Answer `false'.
- isBehavior
- Answer `false'.
- isCharacter
- Answer `false'.
- isCharacterArray
- Answer `false'.
- isClass
- Answer `false'.
- isFloat
- Answer `false'.
- isInteger
- Answer `false'.
- isKindOf: aClass
- Answer whether the receiver's class is aClass or a subclass of aClass
- isMemberOf: aClass
- Returns true if the receiver is an instance of the class 'aClass'
- isMeta
- Same as isMetaclass
- isMetaclass
- Answer `false'.
- isMetaClass
- Same as isMetaclass
- isNamespace
- Answer `false'.
- isNil
- Answer whether the receiver is nil
- isNumber
- Answer `false'.
- isSmallInteger
- Answer `false'.
- isString
- Answer `false'.
- isSymbol
- Answer `false'.
- notNil
- Answer whether the receiver is not nil
- respondsTo: aSymbol
- Returns true if the receiver understands the given selector
6.105.15 Object: VM callbacks
- badReturnError
- Called back when a block performs a bad return
- mustBeBoolean
- Called by the system when ifTrue:*, ifFalse:*, and: or or: are sent to anything but a boolean
- noRunnableProcess
- Called back when all processes are suspended
- userInterrupt
- Called back when the user presses Ctrl-Break