6.14 ByteStream
- Defined in namespace Smalltalk
- Category: Streams-Collections
- My instances are read/write streams specially crafted for ByteArrays.
They are able to write binary data to them.
6.14.1 ByteStream: basic
- next
- Return the next *character* in the ByteArray
- nextByte
- Return the next byte in the byte array
- nextByteArray: numBytes
- Return the next numBytes bytes in the byte array
- nextLong
- Return the next 4 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 32 bit signed int
- nextPut: aChar
- Store aChar on the byte array
- nextPutAll: aCollection
- Write all the objects in aCollection to the receiver
- nextPutByte: anInteger
- Store anInteger (range: -128..255) on the byte array
- nextPutByteArray: aByteArray
- Store aByteArray on the byte array
- nextPutLong: anInteger
- Store anInteger (range: -2^31..2^32-1) on the byte array as 4 bytes
- nextPutShort: anInteger
- Store anInteger (range: -32768..65535) on the byte array as 2 bytes
- nextShort
- Return the next 2 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 16 bit signed int
- nextSignedByte
- Return the next byte in the byte array, interpreted as a 8 bit signed number
- nextUlong
- Return the next 4 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 32 bit unsigned int
- nextUshort
- Return the next 2 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 16 bit unsigned int