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6.52 Date

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Data types
My instances represent dates. My base date is defined to be Jan 1, 1901. I provide methods for instance creation (including via "symbolic" dates, such as "Date newDay: 14 month: #Feb year: 1990".

PLEASE BE WARNED -- use this class only for dates after 1582 AD; that's the beginning of the epoch. Dates before 1582 will not be correctly printed. In addition, since ten days were lost from October 5 through October 15, operations between a Gregorian date (after 15-Oct-1582) and a Julian date (before 5-Oct-1582) will give incorrect results; or, 4-Oct-1582 + 2 days will yield 6-Oct-1582 (a non-existent day!), not 16-Oct-1582.

In fact, if you pass a year < 1582 to a method like #newDay:month:year: it will assume that it is a two-digit year (e.g. 90=1990, 1000=2900). The only way to create Julian calendar dates is with the #fromDays: instance creation method.

6.52.1 Date class: basic  (class)
6.52.2 Date class: instance creation (ANSI)  (class)
6.52.3 Date class: instance creation (Blue Book)  (class)
6.52.4 Date: basic  (instance)
6.52.5 Date: compatibility (non-ANSI)  (instance)
6.52.6 Date: date computations  (instance)
6.52.7 Date: printing  (instance)
6.52.8 Date: storing  (instance)
6.52.9 Date: testing  (instance)

6.52.1 Date class: basic

abbreviationOfDay: dayIndex
Answer the abbreviated name of the day of week corresponding to the given index

dayOfWeek: dayName
Answer the index of the day of week corresponding to the given name

daysInMonth: monthName forYear: yearInteger
Answer the number of days in the given (named) month for the given year

daysInYear: i
Answer the number of days in the given year

indexOfMonth: monthName
Answer the index of the month corresponding to the given name

Initialize the DayNameDict to the names of the days

Initialize the receiver

Initialize the MonthNameDict to the names of the months

nameOfDay: dayIndex
Answer the name of the day of week corresponding to the given index

nameOfMonth: monthIndex
Answer the name of the month corresponding to the given index

shortNameOfMonth: monthIndex
Answer the name of the month corresponding to the given index

6.52.2 Date class: instance creation (ANSI)

year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s
Answer a Date denoting the d-th day of the given year

year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s
Answer a Date denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year

6.52.3 Date class: instance creation (Blue Book)

Answer an array containing the current date and time

fromDays: dayCount
Answer a Date denoting dayCount days past 1/1/1901

fromJulian: jd
Answer a Date denoting the jd-th day in the astronomical Julian calendar.

fromSeconds: time
Answer a Date denoting the date time seconds past Jan 1st, 1901

newDay: day month: monthName year: yearInteger
Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the given (named) month and year

newDay: day monthIndex: monthIndex year: yearInteger
Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the given (as a number) month and year

newDay: dayCount year: yearInteger
Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the yearInteger year

readFrom: aStream
Parse an instance of the receiver from aStream

Answer a Date denoting the current date in local time

Answer an array containing the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Answer a Date denoting the current date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

6.52.4 Date: basic

addDays: dayCount
Answer a new Date pointing dayCount past the receiver

subtractDate: aDate
Answer the number of days between aDate and the receiver (negative if the receiver is before aDate)

subtractDays: dayCount
Answer a new Date pointing dayCount before the receiver

6.52.5 Date: compatibility (non-ANSI)

Answer the day represented by the receiver

Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol

Answer the abbreviated name of the month represented by the receiver

6.52.6 Date: date computations

Answer the date as the number of seconds from 1/1/1901.

Answer the day represented by the receiver (same as #day)

Answer the day of week of the receiver. 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday

Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol

Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol

Answer the days passed since 31/12 of last year; e.g. New Year's Day is 1

Answer the days passed since 1/1/1901

Answer the days in the month represented by the receiver

Answer the days in the year represented by the receiver

Answer the days to the end of the month represented by the receiver

Answer the days to the end of the year represented by the receiver

Answer a Date representing the first day of the month represented by the receiver

Answer whether the receiver refers to a date in a leap year.

Answer a Date representing the last day of the month represented by the receiver

Answer the month represented by the receiver

Answer the abbreviated name of the month represented by the receiver

Answer the name of the month represented by the receiver

Answer the year represented by the receiver

6.52.7 Date: printing

printOn: aStream
Print a representation for the receiver on aStream

6.52.8 Date: storing

storeOn: aStream
Store on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver

6.52.9 Date: testing

< aDate
Answer whether the receiver indicates a date preceding aDate

= aDate
Answer whether the receiver indicates the same date as aDate

Answer an hash value for the receievr

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